Hunter Feathermame Quest

Wanting to learn to tame feathermane hunter pets but am completely lost on what Parts i have done and haven’t done i have followed the guides and seem to have all the pre needed stuff but i cant for the life of me figure it out as Pan where you buy the tomb has nothing for sale ? Blizzard you need to make it easier to complete in TWW

Tome of the Hybrid Beast requires the completion of the achievement “A Glorious Campaign” which requires the completion of your Class Hall Campaign. It may also involve “Breaching the Tomb,” I don’t remember.

I don’t know if it makes a difference, but you need to be in beastmaster spec to see the book at the vendor, after you have completed all the requirements. (You’ll be able to use feathermanes in all specs afterward, as well as buy the book to send to other hunter alts.)

Yes, I did the whole hunter campaign just because I am obsessed with hippogryphs. :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the late reply but this may make sense as i did a lot of Legion content and i couldn’t find the golden ticket quest and looking up the Achievements and quests was driving me nuts so i gave up i’ll let you know how i go