3 players all dps. Looking for a raiding guild. We are looking for a raiding guild that wants to push into mythic. We love doing mythic+ keys and try to do the most we can throughout the week to gear up to be able to get that gear to push into mythic. We have logs for the raids.
Marksman hunter. Heartie Area 52.
Unholy deathknight Glazedaf Area 52
Fury warrior: Area 52
Hello there, I’m not sure how up for server transferring you guys would be, but we may be a good fit for you. You can add my discord Karmazeus#3504
Hey there! If you are interested in coming to Alliance and the raid times Sat/Sun 6-9 pm PST suit you guys I’d love to chat! add my Bnet Kola#21812 or Discord Kola#7010 if interested.
Best of luck finding a home
Hey! We’re on A52, and definitely looking to getting some more dps for our SoD roster. Currently, 5/10N SoD, we were AOTC in CN. We raid Wed/Sun 8:30-10:30 EST. We usually extend about half an hour for a few extra pulls though. We have fairly dedicated key pushers in the guild as well, with a few timed 15s last week. Let me know if you’re interested and want to chat. On discord: Ody#4290 and on BNET CritOdysseus#1323
Hey there Heartie! One Hundred Proof is looking for more high-quality DPS and a healer as we prepare to complete Heroic and head into Mythic raiding this tier! We are currently 9/10 Normal and 4/10 Heroic. We plan to be done with Heroic in around 2-3 weeks and get into Mythic soon. We raid Tues/Wed from 8:30-11:30 PM CST on the US-Sargeras server. If you’re interested, add me to btag so we can chat - Bryin#11301.
Hey there! Everest is looking for more to round out our Raid team. The guild is on Area-52 / Horde. We are looking to get a quick AOTC and push for Mythic progression this tier. Raid nights are Tues / Wed 8-11pm EST. Our comp would LOVE to have a DK and a War, we will also try and get your hunter that beautiful bow! We are a good group of people that understand that our raiders have works and a life outside of wow. We would love to help get you your character heroic ready and to have you join the team! Feel free to add me on BNET: Bloodiehell#1476
Don’t know what raid times your looking for or if your willing to server transfer, but Ancestral Ties on Wyrmrest Accord is looking for DPS! We raid Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 10PM-1AM EST. you can message me on Btag Anjinn#1238