Hunter coming to horde LF guild

I’ll preface this by saying I am playing survival(I find it most fun). I have an alliance hunter ilvl 198 and let’s just say I have only been beaten 3 times in overall dps for a dungeon(M+ of course)

I have 9/10 H CN experience

Just looking for a guild that is running heroic and has lots of people who enjoy running keys because ultimately that is where the spec shines anyway

Thanks <3

Hey Cicca, we are Part Timers a Sunday Night raiding guild. Our raid times are from 6-10 PM EST Sundays. We currently are 8/10 H CN and also have groups usually going for M+ through the week. We are a chill group of older folks with kids and jobs that still want to progress. If we sound like a good fit for you let me know at Quongdi#1712