I am trying to complete the hunter hall quests for my Feathermane training…but i am stuck and no “guides” spell it out right on how to complete everything and what ALL the prerequisites are. In my order hall i have acquired Nesingwary and Fizzlebog But i do not have Huntsman Blake the guides say that you get his quest along with Nesingwary’s but i dont have his quests and have traveled to every point mentioned in the quest chain for his section to no avail… i have also done the Illidan questline up to Nighthold because thats all the GM’s would tell me to do in ticket responses I have no more in that series that i can find. i know the Illidan chain was needed before A hero’s weapon any ways so thats no biggi but i still cant progress my order hall because i cant get Blake! I know im old and senile now but damn… some one plz help!!!