Hunter Class Design Needs Drastic Modernization


Sin is guy with two daggers and poisons

Sub is guy with two daggers a one a mean shadow!

Outlaw is guy with one sword and one dagger who wants to be warrior :joy:

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I just want to pick my pets spec so i can use the pets i like the looks of



Banks procs to shoot blue. Bluer in blue windows.

Banks procs to shoot purple. Purpler at 4 purple out of 4.

Banks procs to red redder and more readily. Gets redder for each red that fails to more-red until guaranteed red.

More seriously, thoughā€¦

BM is the spec most punished for multi-DoTing or spending its bankable or near-filler (Multi-shot) each too early or late. Gameplay-wise, itā€™s the ramp-dependent spec focused on tab-targeting and cycles.

MM is the spec punished most for not knowing when itā€™s safe to cast or wasting CDR opportunities. Itā€™s the (more so than the other two) positioning-dependent spec focused on procs.

SV is the spec punished most for not margining generators to be used just before big abilities or for de-sequencing windows. Itā€™s the spec for which buffs are the most integral/invasive and the only one without cleave (automatic for short duration or single-use for long duration).

Or, thematicallyā€¦

  • The spec themed around tearing enemies apart with the combined barbs, fangs, venoms, and talons of your shots and beasts.
  • The spec themed around synergetic/interdependent shots of varying powers and frequencies.
  • The anything-goes, all-in spec themed around a trio of buffs (self-buffs, buffs from its pet, buffs unto its pet), venoms, and explosives.
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This would be great! We once had that ability in a previous expansion.

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Think BFA was the last time we had that choice right?

no that was legion.

Not according to the warrior fourm. In fact they are discussing how great and OP all three hunter spec are and dev should spend less time on hunters and more on fury warriors. What a joke.

Nobody said any of that. Now youā€™re just being belligerant lol

Happy to relink the WoWhead logs again in case you canā€™t, or just refuse to, read

Iā€™ve been thinking hard about this. I want to be able to choose my petā€™s spec, but since Mortal Strike is tied to pet species and Masterā€™s Call a pet family, you still kinda get pigeonholed into picking one of only a couple of options for PvP - MS+Cunning.

Iā€™d really like to have a tree similar to the old Hunter trees where you pick the ā€œspecā€ of the pet, and then distribute a handful of skills (1 per row) across the tree. You could have thoughtful ā€œORā€ selections based on old pet species abilities:

  • Stun
  • Mortal Strike
  • Interrupt
  • Disarm
  • Bleed
  • Poison
  • Slow
  • Root
  • Lower % chance to hit
  • Higher Heal %
  • Flat HP Increase
  • Bonus HP for duration
  • Higher Armor
  • More Threat from Growl
  • Cower
  • Dash
  • Intervene
  • etc, etc

You could probably categorize those to appropriate families, but Masterā€™s Call should 100000% be a baseline ability, and Mortal Strike would need to be an option on each of the family trees.


The grass is always greener on the other side.


MM still playing closer to classic hunter is just infuriating. its 2024 and aimed shot is still a slow cast without true shot. Super lame. :face_exhaling:

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It plays nothing like classic Hunter. And while Streamline should probably be removed to drop Aimed Shot should from 1.67 GCDs to 1.5 or 1.33 GCDs baseline, it certainly shouldnā€™t be reduced generally to its subGCD Trueshot cast time. It having that longer, occasionally risky cast time is precisely what gives MM so much of its unique feel.

Something like that, but its been so many expansions that they all begin to blend together.