Hunter Boomarangs

This would be a cool weapons - huntrers can use boomarangs to attack mobs.

It would be cool for rogues to have as well.

kinda in a way survival has that its called Chakrams lol

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I think OP is talking about an actual equip-able weapon, like instead of a gun or bow.

Maybe a throwable glaive like the wardens have?


yes instead of a gun

Yeah. I like the idea.

Didn’t we have that loot boomerang thing or did I dream that

Give us that back

That would be dope for survival to melee with then chuck with hawk

I 100% want this and would even change specs away from BM for it if I had to.

[Shai has entered the chat]

critical miss, or hit?

I could see this working with a survival hunter.

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would it be made of metal or wood?

Hm. I think it depends, it should maybe go level so 40+ metal and lower wood.

The loot-a-rang is still in the game but you have to be an engineer to use it.

It was almost coming back for all 3… :frowning: but Death Chakram essentially killed it off.
Really hoping they swap the animations.

what is better chakrams or boomerangs

You do realize you’ve necro’d a year old post, right?