Hunter Auto-shot Delay

Stutter step also does not feel right at all. Noticed the other day that druid roots don’t appear to have a DR… Maybe I was pressed for time to get back to range, but something sure felt off there…

In general I am finding my Raptor strikes failing to execute FD or no FD the wingclip will go off and unless I stop moving for a bit right on the mob Raptor will not go off.

From memory this wasn’t the case in vanilla. You could basically pop in hit both and pop out, it just feels like you need to stand there for so long.

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It’s running in a different engine and… spell batching apparently is designed never to drop anything from the queue even if it should be dropped…you know, like an interrupted attack of some sort.


More and more it is evident the port is the problem. I wish Blizz would release a reference client server using the old engine. I’ll bet 99% of these problems would disappear, leaving us only with the actual original bugs and malfunctions in Vanilla.

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Please address por favor

Annnnd still crickets. Still having the auto shot issue, Blizz

Forget it m8. It’s not getting fixed.

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I never really understood why auto-attack/shot is even a thing. Couldn’t Blizz come up with some attacks on classes where you had to click buttons to activate.

This is not a bug.

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