Hunter addon question [Answered]

Saw a few hunters who all seemed to have an addon that made their pets do /me commands of various things, eg. Fluffy whines and scratches himself.

Im on a rp server and none of them replied when I asked them what addon it was, it felt too frequent to be a not add on and one of my guildies mentioned seeing the addon at some point but dont recall the name. Does anyone know?

was it saying “fluffy barks” or “tess’s pet fluffy barks”

I could’ve sworn it was the first one, but it might’ve been the second. I just know it cycled through the same lines a few times so it didn’t seem manually done.

there’s an addon called “pet emote” that does that it looks like it. Otherwise, they could have just had macros set up that output “/e 's pet Fluffy looks around and does XYZ”

that was it! Thank you!

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