Hunter’s mark = Button Bloat. Thanks Blizzard for punishing hunters again

Every other class have received buffs to reduce button bloat.

Now ? Hunters gonna get forced to apply Hunter’s Mark which takes a GCD and causes us a dps loss.

Making hunter’s mark auto cast. Make kill command apply it automatically


Button bloat? On a hunter ?

You’re joking, right?

A GCD pre-pull ? How it’ll be a dps loss?

Go take your meds man


For raids when adds spawn? You need to reapply right ?

It’s a ragemode thread. You can’t take this guy seriously. He’s kind of the village idiot mascot here on GD. He’s entertaining in his own way.


It is a single target ability, you dont need to apply it on every mob, only on the most important one.

Thats why this buff is pretty much useless in m+

I mean, i dont know the guy, but i know a lot o classes are complaining about button bloat. Brew monk has a LOT of buttons now, but as a BM hunter? He can put all his abilities on the scroll of his mouse, and he’d be set to play

/scans the room with spectral sight

Oh yeah, the faux rage is palpable.

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Aren’t hunters like a 3 button rotation?

Cobra shot, barbed shot and kill comand. Ye

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You are BM, why are you using Hunter’s Mark? The only thing HM does for BM is makes it so your target can be seen and tracked. So unless you are PvPing a Rogue or Feral, you never use HM.

Anyone else want to tell them?

Okay I’ll do it. They’re bringing back hunter’s mark as a buff to a single target for season 3.


Ok, I was unaware of this, thanx for the info.

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Thanks bro.

But back to the topic. Whoever says BM is a 3 button spec doesn’t know BM.


hunters: we are squishy and not wanted in end game min max raiding or m+. we need group utility and buffs to and or newly added defensives.

blizzard: hunters mark will now increase damage by 5% to targets that are above 80% hp.

hunters: that is just about basically 100% useless outside of a pure single target boss fight. and god forbid we have a council fight or huge priority add target fight where using that useless global on an add where you will only get maybe 5-10 seconds of benefit from it. dont even get us started on how useless it will be for m+.

blizzard: leave us alone and dont say we dont do anything for you


Just a dig lol.

True unless there is a talent to spread it. Seems a bit meh otherwise and adds to unnecessary programming behind the scenes. Unless they’re just trying to make it look like they’re doing something for the hunter community instead of playing around with numbers.

Please enlighten me, how many buttons do you use besides those 3? Bestial Wrath? Chakram? Bloodshed?

How cool, you gotta use 3 more buttons consecutively after 2 minutes of spamming kill command.

Kill command ?

Okay let me lay it out here.

Yeah,… if you just want to play BM mediocrely , it’s 3 buttons.

If you want to be good. You got to juggle your pet skills and manage the positioning to max uptime.

BM hunter have one set of buttons for the hunter and another for the pet

Grabs popcorn

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You can play it like that:
Scroll up = kill command
Scroll down = barbed shot
Ctrl+scroll up = bestial wrath
Ctrl + scroll down = chakram

And done, you can or can not use wasd to move

You forgot cobrashot .