Every hunt seems to be permanently bugged every cycle not sure what’s going on here?
Adding my voice and server cluster to the reports of issues with this hunt that is up until this upcoming reset tomorrow. Steamwheedle Cartel US and it’s server mates, Kirin Tor and Sentinels. Tried two days in a row and no mobs for the hunt to be found.
Sargeras frequently bugged, more often than not.
JUST ENABLE LFG AND SERVER HOPPING IN THE MAW so we can get a group where its working!
Bugged on Area 52 still… Thought we were done with Beta For Azeroth…
Just wanted to point at this it currently 2022/05/14 and the boss STILL!!! doesnt spawn lol
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Hey Blizz… time to necro this thread… Fix yet?? GD!