Hunt: Soul Eaters - Soul bound

Undying Soulbinder isn’t here or spawning. Been sitting here for an hour


There’s already a thread going for this, but i wanted to share the same info that a shared there about this bugged quest:

Cool little tidbit for those who dont know, this hunt spawns the boss where you have a chance to get a mount that you can use in the maw:
so if i wasnt annoyed before, i am now.

Let me get this straight. You know of another thread for this, but didn’t link that thread. Instead you link the WowHead article for it. What exactly were you hoping to contribute to the discussion? Why not just link the other thread, like this:
Hunt: Soul Eaters bugged

That wasn’t hard, maybe try that next time.

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why you so mad? sometimes people like to keep their own post. more posts means more visibility. no reason to be rude on a game forum. just chill man.


Same issue for me and all my friends

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That mount is actually from the Gorged Shadehound hunt, which is the one before the current one in the rotation. You’ll have a chance at the mount again not this coming Tuesday, but next Tuesday.

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Same. Soul Bound quest is up, Shifting Life-Eater is checked off, Undying Soulbinder is indicated on the map, but is not here.

Moonguard (US)

Still bugged.

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Still bugged, and with it being bugged, can’t complete the wardens quest…

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Still bugged