Hunt: Soul Eaters bugged

The actual cause of it being bugged isn’t a failure to spawn, it’s failure to log credit for the kill to complete the event. She appears normally when the event spawns, and gets killed when she becomes attackable over the normal course of the event, but most events for some reason fail to credit the kill, so the event becomes frozen in its final stage with her dead already.

To everyone who arrives after that failure, it just looks like an empty area where a required mob isn’t appearing, so it looks like a spawning bug, but really it’s a kill-credit bug tied with an event that won’t reset until it recognizes she’s been killed.

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It’s bugged for the 3rd time since I’ve unlocked BW. That’s 1500 rep lost.


Still bugged. Not sure why I’m bothering to post, but maybe enough people complaining will eventually get Blizzard’s attention.

I’m experiencing the same problem @Gundal

I’m assuming we are going to also miss out on any progression from this zone?

They know their hunts are buggy and cant find a way to fix them atm…so they’ve acknowledged it…just not on our forums

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Though I was playing retail, not an alpha test.

Also affected - Arthas

Moonguard is also hurt by this

how is this still bugged, just undo the dumb phasing shard crap they pulled with these quests in the Maw

Hard reset the damn servers to fix if they have to. It’s annoying losing 525 rep every week to this crap.

“Hunt” is defined as “Hunt: Soul Eaters” in The Maw - Beastwarrens. Step 1 ‘Shifting Life-Eater’ is check marked, Step 2 ‘Soul Bound’ is pending. Step 2’s Soul Binder NPC doesn’t appear. As this is a “World” quest (not obtained from a quest giver), I am unable to abandon it to restart it.

The bi-weekly"Hunt"is not working (specifically the Friday portion after it starts the new “Hunt”). Just adding my name to the list of many and indicating that it hasn’t worked for multiple weeks. Please consider in-game compensation for the missed sessions (as in, double up -or increase the value/improve- the rewards when 1 Hunt is completed). /wink or just surprise us with our shiny mount that we are hunting.

My experience shows that the Tuesday’s reset of the “Hunt” (within Beastwarrens of The Maw) works fine in a party of 2 characters, however the Friday reset of the “Hunt” has not worked, ever - party of 2 or solo.

Are we supposed to only have access to 1 of the 2 “Hunts” for the week? If so, please indicate that in the reply and close this ticket. Thanks in advance and Happy New Year/Stay safe & healthy.


Still bugged.

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Still broken- if you guys aren’t going to fix it can you at least acknowledge this is busted? It isn’t that much to ask that if we are paying to play your broken game that you at least pretend to care when we notice.

Yo Blizzard, holidays are over get to banning bots and fixing quests !!

Definitely bugged on Greymane. Yellow dot is there, no boss spawning.

This hunt hasnt worked for me once, not the other week it was up and not this week. so 2k rep twice i missed out on about not to mention I don’t get the achievement for completing all the hunts. At least put another one here and remove this until you figure out how to code this.

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still not working for sure

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On Kel’thuzad the quest isn’t resetting every night so nobody can complete hunts.

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January 3rd, 2021…Hunt: Soul Eaters is still bugged. Been a month of reporting when will it get fixed?

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I managed to complete this last week. First, I watched how people were doing it and noticed 2 major issues.

Phase 1 - That red bar is the ENEMIES progression, not yours. you need to pull the mob away from that wondering dog so it can’t consume them. Each consumption is 10% of the enemy progression.

Phase 2 - People ALWAYS kill the pet without pulling the boss… Bad move.
From what I can tell, they are linked. If one dies without the other being pulled; they instantly despawn…and now the progression is stuck.

SOOO, with that said. This is how I got it completed. I didn’t try and DPS at all, i just forced the group to take mobs.
Phase 1 - I tagged mob near the wondering “dog” so it wouldn’t consume them.
Phase 2 - I stood there and watch the “dog” get DPSed down. When it was almost dead I started DPSing the main boss…

The “dog” died
The main boss stayed attackable
We completed the hunt

Happy Hunting