Hunt: Soul Eaters bugged

I think Blizzard forgot that people play their game.

Their silence and invisibility so far is quickly destroying my long-term interest in SL…

I “thought” that I had completed this quest. It doesn’t show up in my quest log at all, but I have a yellow dot on the mini-map and when I go to the area, The quest Hunt: Soul Eaters pops up with the Undying Soulbinder not completed. I’ve been to the area several times, waited, watched people come and go looking for the same thing, and nothing.

Already posted here, but for those not reading through the topic

Still bugged, same issue on Caelestrasz. Extra frustrating having to head back to Oribos to join a group to avoid the phasing issues introduced, then get there to see it’s not working…

I hope they will fix it in tmr’s restart

It’s literally not just this Hunt. Every. Single. Time. I have to join a group to get it to reset and work properly. Blizz this is unacceptable and should have come up in testing. How is it possible this was missed?

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fix this please it’s been weeks…

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Bugged…again…still…etc etc, yes done the things, looked up the the things. It’s been weeks.

How I refreshed it was i hearthed to Org, abandoned the quest, went back to Oribos, went back to the Maw, picked up the quest again, and when i went back to the spot the adds were there.

Just adding on that this quest is currently bugged on Proudmoore - US. Gives credit for Shifting Life-Eater without having killed it, and Undying Soul-Binder is bugged (purple ghosts out but no actual Soul-Binder ever ever spawns).

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Having gotten this type of response from the “support team” before it always amuses me.

Like what? Don’t your developers have phones?

This is still bugged.
The second criterion shows as complete and the first does not seem to spawn, when in the area, despite it showing as a yellow mark on the minimap.

The Shifting Life-eater is there but it wont turn red so we can attack it. We have done everything. It just doesn’t do anything. Area52

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It should be called Hunt: Bugged Eater

Same. Bugged on Area 52. Shifting Life-Eater is still not available to complete Hunt: Soul Eaters, even though there is credit for Undying Soulbinder. It won’t respawn.

This has been bugged since the start of when it was released. I haven’t been able to complete it as every time I come to the beastwarrens its bugged. Just take it out of the game until it’s fixed. It makes the game look bad.

How is this not fixed after a MONTH, stop sitting on your thumbs Blizz.

This is ridiculous, every one of the hunts is messed up. If I bought it at Walmart I would have returned this broken product. Only blizzard can get away with selling defective stuff like this.

It’s bugged on Turalyon’s shard on step 1 now! 0/20 Ritual Experimentation, Destroy Displaced Soul Feeders. There aren’t any to kill.


Bugged on Icecrown. No soul feeders to kill, shifting life-eater spawned and not attackable. Based on the dates in this thread this has been broken for at least a month. WTH Blizzard?