According to patch notes,
Humming Black Dragonscale’s levitation effect no longer triggers if the player is affected by a Neural Silencer or Magical Intrusion Dampener.
I’m wearing a Magical Intrusion Dampener, and I’m most definitely still levitating. I’ve tried un-equipping and re-equipping, but it still levitates me.
Same issue here. I tried both the Neural Silencer and the Magical Intrusion Dampener and I still get the levitate effect. Same as you, I tried unequpping, using a silencer, then re-equipping and I still get the effect in both world and dungeon content.
It stops the initial jump on the proc, but I definitely still levitate and the slow fall mechanic is extremely obnoxious.
We have several people in our guild that also report that the neural silencer does not work. This is a serious issue in the horrific visions with having to jump to get the bugs off.
They honestly should just remove the slow fall mechanic all together. I haven’t heard anyone who likes the proc or thinks it’s useful.
Still happening, still annoying, still hate it. Have nothing but contempt for Dev that thought this was a good idea. I love what the trinket SAYS it does, but the levitate addition (which was a STUPID idea to be on a RANDOM proc) is with out a doubt one of the most frustrating things about this patch.
If the people making the decisions on this sort of thing still want the levitate effect on the trinket PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it a completely separate “use” ability on the trinket.
+1 following. Please fix.
My poor guildie plays a monk, and when it procs when he does… that one ability… he stays in the air for ages. Poor guy.
Yeah this either needs to be fixed for removed. I vote removed.
I only found the trinket’s slowfall useful ONCE after I aggroed all three faceless mobs on one of the Black Empire Constructs and I jumped off after it procced. There was enough debuff to glide but surely if I was anything but a panda I’d been dead by fall damage.
Seconded. Remove the damn effect Blizz. No-one wants it or needs it.