I’m trying to complete the quest humble gatherer, part of the path of ascension kyrian covenant quest line. I have all the items required, quest shows ready for turn-in, but when I try to turn it in it will not, just giving the message “Humble Gatherer failed: Duplicate Item Found”. Now this has been seen before when there is an item in your bag that the quest is trying to give you, however this quest shouldn’t give an item based on rewards. My only guess is that since I have gone through this quest line on another character, it is causing a conflict some how with the quest.
I have dropped and retook the quest, reloading my interface without any items, but nothing seems to help. Ticket is open but this does feel like a bug.
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I am also having trouble completing this quest for the same reason
I fixed this earlier by smashing an old Soul Mirror I had in my inventory already.
Once I crafted a brand new one the quest was able to complete.
I was able to gather mirror shards again so I wonder if this has to do with the fix they had where accepting a quest would automatically generate a soul mirror into your bag.
EDIT: Sorry I misread, this is how I fixed a different bug with the ascension questline but it may still have a connection with the soul mirror/shards.
Maybe try destroying your shards and recollecting?
Fixed this buy making sure I didn’t have excess of the required quest items. I had 9 of the " Tampered Anima Charger" items. I probably picked up the extra 3 from either Dungeon loot or from my engineering profession. Just drag drop and delete the excess, and the quest can then be completed.
I had same issue and deleted all extra items from my inventory and fixed like person above
Like others, I had the same issue and deleted everything but the exact required amount of items for the quest and it allowed me to turn in.
You guys are all awesome! thanks!
Thanks! Hit the nail on the head. The issue in my case was that Tampered Anima Chargers stack to 6 but I had 8 so there were two stacks as they only stack to a total of 6. Deleting the smaller stack of 2 resolved the issue.
It’s worth noting that I had an excess of both of the other two items as well
i was having this problem i had 25 shards and 4 cores all i had to do was split the stack to the number needed for the quest and it worked i did not have to delete the others . not sure if there is another use for the items so i kept them
would be nice if they made the quest and other quests like it just take the required amount it needs and leave the rest or delete the rest if the item is only used for that quest , this is buggy and i can see it causing problems for others
I experienced the same problem. Had to manually split stacks and destroy extras to complete it. Thanks for the tip.
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