This has been a popular request, and shouldn’t be hard to introduce. Since vanilla, Humans, gnomes, dwarves and high elves were shown a cultists or dark sorcerers with these marks. This would translate well to the races today, specially void elves since they started their research through the Dar’Khan Dratir’s notes.
As for Whitemane marks, she has these in the Scarlet dungeons and is clearly not using them now. these would be human only.
These are ways we have seen these races can express themselves and would add a nice bit of customization for the players.
I support this customization, makes sense, is in game already (on NPCs), and such like that! This would be cool for those who want to play antagonists in roleplay as well!
I mean, a lot of stuff we used to kill is playable now. And we the alliance have dark sorceress among us, and we always had warlocks. At this point is just something edgier people in the realm would use.
At the very least shows that these races use eye makeup to signal certain studies.
As an Alliance player, the only thing coming to mind are worgens but my understanding is the Gilneas worgens are different than the Northrend worgens due to the druids helping them control their other form.
I tired googling this and couldn’t find any ‘good guy’ Alliance dark sorcerer/esses. What ‘good guy’ Alliance dark sorcerer/esses with those tattoos are you referring to?
And warlocks do not compare to cultists or dark sorcerer/essess.
So class specialization tattoos? Now that is an interesting idea.
We used to kill dark iron dwarves and anyone who worshipped the void at one point, as well as any Thalassian that wasn’t a high elf.
Also used to kill any Death Knights or Demon Hunters we found.
I have been wanting this forever and quite frankly, I’m baffled by the fact that it wasn’t included with the customization update at the start of SL considering it’s such a no-brainer. It’s just textures, not a change in animations or the entirety of the model. For humans, gnomes, and mechagnomes, they could’ve easily uncoupled the eyes, skin tones, and tattoos and turned them into barber options, then throw in some different tattoos akin to what night elves have always had. A lot of warrior, mage, warlock, priest, rogue, and DK players would probably end up rocking them.