Humans and elves

How common is it in lore that Humans and Elves (high/blood) marry eachother? I know the Windrunner sisters are the most famous examples in lore. I also know in the now non-canon RPG I’m assuming it’s common enough half elves exist as it’s own thing.

I am also going to assume humans are more accepting of inter species relationships than the elves are


It happens. That’s about all we need to know unless we’re aiming for a “make half-breed races playable” kind of thing.


Well we have three instances in game that led to a human and thalassian elf getting together at least and producing offspring.

Those being, Alodi’s parents, Vereesa and Rhonin, Alleria and Turalyon.

We can assume that its not entirely uncommon but hardly common as a result. Blizzard has been kinda waffley on it over the years on how common it is and we can’t use the TTRPG as all of it was decanonized immediately upon release.

Far as Humans being more acceptable of such arrangements thats probably true?

We know that elves do seem to look down upon half-elves though as Alodi was kinda ignored early in his career.

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There’s four Half Elves in Warcraft lore:

Omg I remember the comic where I first saw Vereesa and Rhonin’s kids. Hideous lmao

They’re horrifying.

Windrunner syndrome is a rare issue actually

I think its less that its specific to that family and more likely its a matter of how separate the Elves and Humans have been over the years. I imagine if there are “common” half elves its probably in Dalaran.

We’ve got a few good examples, between Alodi himself and Kalec feeling comfortable enough to present himself as a half elf, to suggest that while its definitely a Windrunner trait to seek human partners it probably isn’t entirely uncommon where humans and elves generally hang out together.

Though even in the Alodi comic its clear that there is a stigma there.

…makes me wonder what goblin and gnome children would be called. :robot::thought_balloon:




An abomination.

But Gnomblin has a nice ring to it.


Of course, they are.

We are much prettier than they are. In fact, we are the prettiest race on Azeroth.

Therefore, we are not only an upgrade for our lover but also for human’s overall genetic pool.

We’ve all seen Vereesa’s kids… We know this isn’t always true. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, she did choose a particularly unattractive human…

… and there is only so much our genes can do.

(They really are hideous, aren’t they.)

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I always find human-elf relationships to be really weird. Not just in WoW but fantasy in general. I get why it’s done, because 90% of the time the author wants an eternally young love interest for their human main character. But the moment you get into the details of a human-elf relationship everything falls apart.

Elves lifespan are measured in centuries and millenia, while humans are measured in decades. Meaning from the elf’s perspective their entire relationship lasted for what is effectively the equivalent of a month to a few years for a human. Imagine if your partner suddenly began aging rapidly and died of old age within a year. That’s what a human-elf relationship is like for an elf.

For the above reasons, elves are often slow to do anything, like at all. They will procrastinate for literally decades. While humans are the opposite. Ambitious and fast burning. Entire human cultures and empires come and go while an elf is still trying to figure out if they want to buy that blue robe they saw in a window of a shop, some 400 years ago.

Then there is of course a matter of genetics. Elves origins in fantasy is usually wildly different from humans and very often magical in nature. So different that they often doesn’t even share an ancestor, at all. Forget organs being in the wrong place or whatnot. Elves might not even have genes! Meaning any kind of offspring between the two should be impossible. It would be easier to produce an offspring with a jellyfish and a pinetree.

It’s a mess.

They probably just don’t see it as a human does. Being long lived its likely that among their own people they don’t actually stay together forever (I mean if they were more realistic. Obviously WoW doesn’t treat it that way).

Elves probably see these sorts of things as a temporary thing to raise a child and don’t worry so much about it. Sure an elf partner would be there a lot longer but I’d bet they get bored and have more than one partner within their lifespans and thats probably expected and common among elven societies.

I like how Mass Effect handled it with the Asari that can breed with any race and generally see their time with less long lived races as a “its the journey not the destination” sort of mindset.

Neat to think about really.


As much as I love the Windrunner Sisters, my favorite NPCs in the game, I have to believe that Tolkien’s elves are more famous.

My post was about WoW not LOTR so…

tfw wow almost managed to give Rhonin a personality beyond “I’m a redhead btw”

I’ll put it this way…at least on Draenor according to Lantresor he is maybe one of three survivor hybrids. I think Azeroth being a nice place would allow for more half-breeds since they’re not actively hunted down as freaks but… still probably very very not common.