I seem to kill faster with Human Hunter, but overall quality of life (namely, shadowmeld/+speed bonus) is better with the Night Elf. I’m torn between these two races because I prefer the ‘looks’ of one (Human), but the perks of the other (Night Elf). Anyone else struggle with this? If so, what did you end up going with between the two? I am strictly focused on these two races, so please don’t recommend another race instead of either one of these two. Thank you!
For my character, I always go for aesthetics. Can make any racial work if I like the character enough. Human imo
Nope. Night Elves are clearly the superior choice in all ways.
Shadowmeld ftw m8
If you’re considering ever, for any purpose, grinding rep on your character - consider the benefits of 10% less of that!
Otherwise I would agree, night elf is clearly ahead on the racials.
I was heavily also torn between the two.
Human ended up winning and I’m happy for my decision. There was a time when all my characters were Night Elves though, and the anti-stun helps a ton anyhow.
Never. Female Night Elf is the best choice in the game, with the best animations, non-annoying voice, and as you said, Shadowmeld.
The voice and the bounce are somethings I miss.
Human are better, human already have access to meld via Feign Death, lorewise, human are also a better hunter.
Playing devils advocate here, how are humans better hunters?
Higher stats and EMFH, also if you want to drop combat you can just Feign, if you want stealth, can just Camo.
human. for hunter i think human has the better overall racials in terms of min maxing for every content.
if i recall correctly Night elf has crit buff during day or something haste buff at night? speed bonus only applies when your dead via wisp form and i think stealthed and if i recall they removed hunter stealth movement via camo long ago so u can’t camo and walk around like you used to right?
only big thing they do have is smeld which idk if it’s REALLY good for hunter cause you already have FD and MD and you can FD your pets as well via play dead. so only place where i think smeld will shine would be pvp idk how good it is in M+ for hunters for other classes i know it’s really good though in M+.
Feign Death & Camo are a Hunter talents, so all Hunters have access.
Shadowmeld is a bonus.
Human females have awful animations, and voices that are annoying after five minutes.
Camo is usable while moving.
i mean i agree with the voice, but the animations are pretty cool i guess a bit part of all of this is subjectivity (including myself).
Actually no. The Quickness racial is a 2% movement speed buff as well as a few other buffs that I can’t remember atm.
It actually is. It’s an additional aggro drop if needed also, if you need to afk it doesn’t auto drop after 6 minutes like FD.
Your evidence for lorewise humans being better hunters than night elves is game mechanics?
All hunters have Feign Death, not just humans.
Which is exactly my point, all the benefit of meld is already being covered by the Hunter toolkit.
There are other benefits to shadowmeld than just dropping aggro.
Yeah i found the answer weird but I assumed he thinks lorewise is gameplay-wise for some reason.
I went nelf for my hunter. I just missed the Teldrassil starting zone bc its my favourite.