Human Tattoo's, Markings, etc

Today i was questing through eastern/western plaguelands and it dawned on me.

Why do humans not have evil facial/body markings?

Even Death Knights have no kind of facial markings that differentiate the good players from the bad ones. You try to play as a necromancer or shadowpriest and your face is as innocent as the next?

No black marks around the eyes, no evil scars or markings of fel taint infecting our skin.

Look at members of the Cult of the Damned even in Scholomace? Why do we not have those kinds of appearance changes? The most radical change recently is pointy human half-elf ears?

Night Elves, Draenei, they have different markings but humans are just the same boring features with colored hair styles.

What is the point of being an evil character if you can only rely on costume features and not character designs?

Being a normal human is boring, i rather look like a sadist at some point.


Look, I’m still waiting for Cutie Marks for Draenei, you’re gonna have to wait in line.

They do though, if you go into the dungeons of Scholomance and… Whats the other one, Stratholme you’ll see that the Thuzadin humans are in fact marked and pale. I actually have a Thuzadin on the course of redemption should I chose to RP them over my main squeeze here.

I meant why we don’t have it in creative mode for our character designs. Yes NPC’s have markings but we cant do anything in character creation.


Ahhh, well I wish we had those customization options as well darling.

We have the mail chest armor Dragonrider’s Chestplate or whatever it is for chest tattoos, but I do agree with ya’, I’d love a slightly paler skin and barber options for the facial tattoos or markings they get from those lines of human history.

Because the game doesn’t have us playing as the bad guys, and the game simply wasn’t originally intended for roleplay as we have it now.

There’s plenty of instances where this is not the case in the game’s history, and even then, customization is cool and I wish every race had their options reasonably expanded.