Human Shaman When?

When will we finally get my future main added to the game? Always enjoyed the shaman specs, but not the race choices. I tried with Kul Tirans, but got tired of the pot belly. I’d want to work that out.:sweat_smile:

Ps: Human Druid is kind of neat too.


There should be an in-game gym where your character can work out. And if they don’t work out or haven’t logged on and done stuff in a bit then they get a fatigue bar for running. I log off my characters in the home of the Dalaran Chocolate Cake. They should be a little plump when I see them again. At least, I HOPE they’re eating, that’s why I took them there.


The potential is there with their lineage to Vrykul. Gilneans were studying rudimentary druidism and human shamans created the stones in Arathi before the founding of Stromgarde.


Your future main isn’t a human shaman.

I will call them….Haman.


KT shaman exist now.

Wait wouldnt Human Shaman just shorten back to Human? Maybe humans have been shaman all along…

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Is that so?..:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Is that cause you’ll bend time for me and bring it to me now?:hugs:


When the sun has gone out and even the brightest stars in the sky fade into the blackness of space. Only then… can we get human shamans.

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Which is interesting since because of some strange lore reason people from Stormwind are called human while Kul’Tirans, who are also human, aren’t referred to as human but Kul’Tirans.

Maybe the real shaman were the friends we made along the way…


No wait, they aren’t.

Often we encounter the elements driving humans insane. :thinking:

I want there to be gnome shaman, and demon hunters. And if not mechagnome Druids.

The best we got is a powerful toy.

Probably unlikely but it would be neat to see what effects the Emerald Nightmare can have on Mechagon.

Humans in real life invented and practice shamanism, so it’s a bit silly not to have them as a class option in the game!

Also funny because Worgen arent a race, Worgen is a curse/disease. So really there are 3 human “races” in wow.


if you wanna be a savage, go join the horde, we’re humans, we are my civilized than them…

Human shamans would bring some civility to the class, which is honestly a good thing.

Hopefully never.

Humans shouldnt get everything.