I would like to see it completely change it to different thing. Will to survive is too boring to use in PVP.
Will to survive was the op racial in early days wgen it didnt share a trinket. They are starting to move back toward that this week
How so? What does the change do exactly? Does this mean all the night elf rogues and mages will re roll human? Or even dwarf pallies?
Humans are boring af tbh, I don’t see how having EMFT meta will be better. Unless night elf’s could be paladins.
Oooof history lesson for the littles. Once upon a time human racial didnt share a cooldown with trinket allowing to negate a stun to dr then after dr doing it again. Op for healers yes
Yeah I remember that and even when it was just a straight trinket and humans didn’t have to run a trinket themselves. But what is the change Tuesday exactly? Is it just bringing back the ability to break stun without sharing a CD with trink now?
Currently, using human racial puts a 90s “shared cd” with your trinket. Since healer trinket is 90s cd, that makes it literally useless as a racial. The change on tuesday makes it a 1 minute shared cd. So on tuesday, you can trinket a cc, and then 1 minute later get out of a stun which will put your trinket on a 1 minute cd and the human racial on a 3 mi ute cd. They will then both operate as normal.
Does that make sense?
Oh, thank goodness they addressed the Human Racial. God knows the Alliance players were really struggling when it comes to good Racials.
I’m just wondering how many patches we’ll have to wait before Bag of Tricks will actually be a useful Racial.
Asking for a friend.
Is Kennie your friend? He’s a kitty
I suppose it’s possible, given the short snoot.
Okay, this is the second time today that this has come up (which is a weird coincidence), but foxes are closer to dogs.
Actually, as the saying goes:
“Foxes have the hardware of a dog, the software of a cat, and the soundboard of a dolphin.”
Will to survive either needs to go back to a blanket trinket or somethinf completely different maybe even more proactive like “your will to survive pushes you to resist the next crowdcontrol/reduce incoming crowd control by x%”.
human is broken because of fem human’s design, animation quality, and ability to look good in so many transmogs, all of which have massive hidden damage/healing modifiers
says the undead player
I mean the change was fine because human racial was basically dead for healers since the trinket change but uh, yeah, a few horde racials getting buffs or pvp buffs would be cool
This was more of a “whoops forgot to update this trinket racial to be in line with the new shorter cd trinket for healers” than a “alliance needs better racials” change if that makes sense
Now if only baggie of tricks did 500% more dmg
I get it, and agree that it was certainly a warranted change, but I’d have really loved to see more work on all under-performing/non-functioning Racials all across the board.
Yeah, the damage/healing is pitiful. I get that they think the slow debuff/speed buff is making up for that, but it really isn’t.
gotta have some tradeoff for being adorable mongrels.
It’s a very effective searing glare duplicate.
I still think bag should’ve been a “custom” racial. Like, we drop the sack and pick if it’s gonna be a blind (pocket sand), stun (rock), a bit hit of delayed damage (grenade we found) or a dot (throw a scorpid stinger).
There could even be little rp stuff with gathering these items to unlock them kind of like how we kill ragnaros and can throw a fire trick, or shadow from m’uru in sunwell.
Also 1% vers would be nice if they’re dead set on making the dmg racial bad.