Human or Worgen warlock?

Ok I changed this thread because I submitted a ticket to faction change to ally but I can’t decide which looks better. I’ve always played as human when I go ally but I can’t decide which one looks cooler now.

72 hours. Put in a ticket though and they can reverse the transaction and then rebuy it.

Thank you so much for the quick response.

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Human just because worgen flail their arms around way too much when casting for my liking.


Worgen, because then technically you can be both at the same time.

Worgen animations are terrible.

I won’t lie; every time I see a Worgen caster of any kind (PC or NPC), I die a little bit inside. Hehehe.

I would say Worgen because they look really cool in some cloth sets and I kind of find humans boring.

I like the way Worgen look in Warlock gear. Humans look sorta like a log with a dress since their posing and the way they stand is pretty basic. Not a huge fan of Worgens but they are getting an update Soon™ so it might make it even better then while Humans will still be as they are.

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Female I’d go Human, male I’d go Worgen.

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Take a Worgen. You can have glowy green or purple eyes as a Worgen.

As a Human the best thing you can have is a pineapple for a beard.

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Worgen ofc

It would be female so Worgen is just out?

Gnomes make amazing warlocks and we look fab in little dresses. Don’t give into the empty promises of human potential. I can’t comment on worgen since I haven’t seen the new models yet.


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Ooooooh who lives in a pineapple on someone’s face? Licebob Squarepants!

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worgen, obviously!

The current fem worgen model is pretty bad, but the rework is looking legit good! :smiley:

A lot of people don’t like the way female Worgen look, I don’t mind them personally, that’s why I suggested Human female. But if you like them I’d go Worgen. Especially since they will be getting model upgrades soonish.

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Human casting animations are a bit bog standard but fun, IMO (my warlock is male human though, ymmv)

The demo hand of gul’dan animation though is FANTASTIC though.

I dunno how good cloth looks on worgen…