This game is utterly littered with human male ret enjoyers who both show helm and cloak while backpedaling and mouse clicking their spells yet they have the most elitist fanbase in the game. There must be a collective discord where all ret enjoyers join chat and take shrooms at the same time while eRPing some weird justice fantasy. Went from wheelchair class in classic to wheelchair class that took over the hunter meme. Paladins useless outside of wearing a dress and pressing buttons that increase the health of your raid/party.
Let’s not kink shame ok
Spiteful rogue posting after nerf
Never gets old
Imagine picking on someone in a wheel chair. May the light be with you.
A++++++++++ thread would read again and/or recommend to a friend
at least our wheelchair has a nitro boost now
Class becomes better with the TBC spell graphics.
Just to make sure, are the fem rets ok? or we are lame too?
Well my ret is a human female with no cloak or helm showing and I unbind backpedal on every character. So
Oh no I’m busted.
I wouldn’t bring up ERP while posting on a gnome character.
have a Snickers Gnome
As a vet rogue, welcome to your counter class. Have a nice day.
Atleast they aren’t prot.
Good thing you picked alliance lol.
I got your cloak of shadows right here.
Tall straight white human male paladin or warrior is kind of the most based combination you can play in a fantasy setting
The worst part is when the inevitable Classic fresh happens, those same players will try to force their ret meme there and then endlessly complain on the forums about how they can’t do everything all the time anymore.
It’s all so tiresome.
My Wheelchair is a keg.
Whats bros name mean
Light be with you, friend.
You mean chads yeah? All human ret males are chads. Ignore the beta gnome rogues
Creeping around in stealth too afraid of pixels to show themselves.
Imagine complaining about anything as a rogue