If there is one thing in World of Warcraft that made no sense from the start, it’s the inability to play a Human Hunter. They existed in the lore predating World of Warcraft classic. The reason Human’s can’t be Hunters in Classic is because of the 6 class per race rule, and Hunter was dropped in favor of the others.
What are your thoughts on this, and yes I understand the #nochanges viewpoint already, but should this have been in the game to begin with?
maybe human hunters would have made people demand undead hunters also? i dunno
I think the game improved over time for a reason.
While we’re at it
Why can tauren be druids?
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The world can’t contain that much derp all at once.
tauren are just night elf druids’ cowform for infiltrating the horde
i mean uh
pewp, now cenarius is gonna have my head for this
Human Hunters? There are a lot of races that hunt Humans. Gee there are even Gnome Hunters and Big Game Hunters…Paladins are pretty good Undead Hunters. Heck in later expansions there are even Demon Hunters.
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But if cenarius is dead wouldnt that make him some kind of zombie then?
Is he playing double agent for undercity?
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No worth hunting gnomes. Hardly any meat on us and what there is is pretty stringy.
Trolls like to scalp gnomes, especially those ones with the pink pigt----I suggest hiding.
I have to say, killing trolls is almost as much fun as killing moocows.
Tauren learned Druidism first directly from Cenarius.
It’s such an ancient teaching that they started to forget it and it became less common.
Night elves helped them remember it iirc.
Would that make you a troll hunter or a tauren hunter?
So they remembered so hard they forgot how to be spirit walkers?
Sounds pretty fishy to me
Don’t try to put your labels on me, man.
I dunno what is the deal with spirit walkers or if they would ever consider making them a class.
But eh…?
A lot of stuff is silly.
Luckily blizzard hired jamie from deviant art to fill in the blanks for these strange class combos
Only human hunter in classic wow is Randy Marsh, he only made it to level 2 though.
Night elves don’t worship the light, they worship Elune so they should not be able to be priests.
It is kind of weird in general.
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Be interesting to see how many people will play a human hunter with just how much people go for racials.
Human racials don’t really mesh well with hunter.