Human heritage armor

No, it’s better. You got human themed armour for every armour type, and you got human themed weapons. Stop whining.

Blizz got lazy and then all the lawsuit stuff,sale and pandering to hairstyles

The only one that isn’t ugly is the blood elf one, you really want to entrust the job to woke bliZard after the disaster that is the current tier?

At this point. I wouldn’t hold on to heritage armor. They’re going keep telling us it’s coming. With no real time line. They should of just released them in full of 50/50 or not done the idea at all. Because going this long and it’s still not done. Doesn’t instill faith in the concept.

If Humans were Horde, they already would have heritage armor. lol.

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dont get your hopes up that there will ever be any more heritage armor.

this is better for Undead because they are from Lordaeron

I’m not sure what night elf and human players are expecting from a single, one-size-fits-all armor that would be as good as or better than the 8 to 13 sets of armor and matching weapons they were given in previous expansions. The one last set and its precious exclusivity to a single race is really going to seal the deal, is it?

Having earned my dwarf heritage armor (which I do like), with its singular appearance and zero matching weapons (which I think is BS) and its exclusivity to dwarves (which aren’t exclusive at all), I’d rather have had a dwarf-themed warfront and the 8-12 armor sets and dozen matching weapons that everyone could use.

Dwarf one is really nice, kultiren too


Yeah, maybe that.

Lol, humans too. Human kingdon was born in loarderon

The armors that have been done are literally the same number on each side

The victim complex is pathetic

The issue with that, though, is that’s Lordaeron’s armor styling. The majority of Humans… living Humans that is are from Stormwind and Stromgarde.

It would make more sense for the Forsaken to get a corrupted version of what Uther was wearing since the overwhelming majority of the forsaken are from Lordaeron.


Several thousand years prior to the start of the WoW Games there were several Feudal Kingdoms of Humans. These Kingdoms took root in what would become Lordaeron, Alterac, Gilneas, and Stromgarde. They warred with each-other, and had many conflicts with the Amani extensively.

Arathor, King of Stromgarde was able to unite the warring humans into a single Kingdom under the rulership of Stromgarde. This united Kingdom then treated with the Elves of Silvermoon to learn the secrets of the Arcane. In exchange for teaching the secrets of the Arcane to 100 Humans the Elves enlisted the aid of the united Human Army against the Amani trolls who were at the time threatening to wipe out the High Elves.

Luring the Amani into a pitched battle in foothills of Hillsbrad Arathor was then able to unleash the fruits of this treaty and the 100 Human Mages annihilated the Amani Army in flames forever breaking their power-base and rendering them to capable of little more than minor raids against the High Elves. Raids that could be dealt with by the Rangers of Silvermoon without significant issue.

For this aid the High Elves of Silvermoon pledged their assistance in perpetuity to the line of Arathor. During this time the Mage City of Dalaran was also founded.

After Arathor’s passing his heirs were not as skilled in state-craft and the united Human Kingdom broke apart into the kingdoms we know today. Lordaeron, Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, Stromgarde, and Stormwind. Later a colony of Gilneas would gains its own independence and become known as Kul Tiras.

Stormwind itself was a colony of Stromgarde.

Lordaeron did quickly grow to dominance, however, as the terrain and easy access to extensive farmlands allowed them to boast a higher population and thus more significant army than the other Kingdoms. It is also the only one of the independent Human Kingdoms to boast multiple Cities, having both its Capital (commonly referred to as simply Capital City or even just Lordaeron itself) as well as Stratholme which was the Northern-most Human city. A trade-port and refinery that granted access to the Northern Oceans and easy trade for human food crops to the Elves. All other human Kingdoms were limited to a single City with multiple supporting townships and villages.

Following the events of the first War the survivors of Stormwind fled to Lordaeron who was the strongest of the human kingdoms militarily and also had the most respected monarch of the kingdoms. Terenas was able to forge the Alliance and fight the Horde to a standstill in the second war, appointing Anduin Lothar as Supreme commander of the Alliance military (and thus also guaranteeing the support of Silvermoon as Lothar was the last known survivor of Arathor’s Bloodline.)

While it can be argued that the Alliance was born in Lordaeron, its concept in root comes actually from the line of Arathor of Stromgarde through Lothar who had survived Stormwind’s destruction in the first War.

*If you wish to learn more about the history of the Human Kingdoms, including the Demon troubles and the rise of the Guardians of Tirisfall, hit that notification button, like and subscribe and donate to my Patreon at: Patreon/GrymauchNeedsToReadLess

But knowing Blizz it’ll probably be Plague Doctor themed.

I still see people running around in the other heritage armor sets, years later.

Besides, I have no pulse, so would I be justified in wanting an undead set then?


I could get behind this, and always felt the Royal Crest of Lordaeron was the true undead Tmog shield.


Where’s our skimpy Night Elf armor?


I’m not even sure how they would implement a human heritage armor without getting any backlash tbh. Humans are one of the most basic races in warcraft, even more than Kul Tiran humans.

Pretty sure the human guard armor is in game, and has been for a long time.

Im guessing humans wont get anything more than that.

The heritage armor should be the same that Anduin Lothar wore during the 1st and 2nd war.

Chain Whip for new weapon; can also have bull leather, fire
Wolf head cloaks
Ethereal phasing image runs behind him

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