Human heritage armor looks awful

Bet ya it’s the same armor. Just a color swap

What’s new though


in a way yeah i could see it…more so if you transmog that eagle head on both shoulders and hide helm then yeah…kinda varian gear. The orc one reminds me of the mag’har heritage armor. Idk…if they had to add a particular armor set I’d like the DK like armor Anduin wore when he was enslaved by the jailor… in maybe multiple colors even with helm included… for my DK

well the criticism would be wrong considering its not another sw guard outfit.

the helm looks very similar too the mail bfa helmet.

Now thats hilarious AF!!!

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Hey guys. This thread really motivated me to farm the Alliance’s Arathi/Stromgarde Warfront’s tier 3 plate armor set. Barring the helmet which is only tier 2, I was able to get the rest of the armor set to tier 3.


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Theirs it’s really nothing special.

The elite armor set from Warfronts looks 10x better.

And any race can wear it.



That’s what boot armor looked like during that time, it floats so it doesn’t get in the way of the movement of the foot.

I agree, the human heritage armor is underwhelming
But nothing new with this team.

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If that part didn’t float, you wouldn’t be able to move your foot.

It’s supposed to float.

You wan’t effort? Out of ION’s blizzard? hehehehe

But no, it is a shame how badly he’s allowed quality to slip in the name of profits.

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I was thinking the same thing about mag’har orcs

It is nice that they are continuing this again. I don’t know why it took as long as it did.

I don’t know why but this feels right… seemed like it took a long time to address anything really for that period including systems.

I have to agree I find them both pretty underwhelming. The human one more so. I don’t see why a Stormwind guard needs to be the central theme for a heritage human armor… anyways it is nice they are continuing and finishing up on heritage armors. Hopefully next time for other races they might be more appealing.

Laughs in Worgen

Welcome to the club humans. Here’s hoping they at least celebrate your heritage rather than tell you it’s better to not be the race you choose in your quest.

You guys remember when AI art first came out and if you weren’t specific with your commands you would get a bastardized thrown together version of whatever you were trying to get? That’s what this armor reminds me of, a bastardized thrown together version of warfront and sw armor.


I don’t know what was expected. All playable default humans are from Stormwind.

Yes, but it didn’t have to be bland. See artwork of footman from Warcraft 1.

a boring race gets boring armor

more news at 11

I think I would be more excited for this if I knew they were going to go full tryhard on it, but that would involve more than just palette swaps.

Like how about: all the 3D armor pieces in a plain, lion, and eagle theme in all three colorways, and the plain belt buckle is the Lordaeron L. Then you could build your basic footman, Arathi barbarian, oldschool Silver Hand paladin and Scarlet Crusader, 90% accurate Varian cosplay, or various other iconic human characters out of the one package.

But that would be 3x the effort of every other heritage set, and I’m not that optimistic.