Human Female or Male gnome based on looks?

Leveling a warlock, curious which you think is the better looking of the two based solely on race looks, casting animations and how they look in gear.

either way you’re a bad person for playing alliance

jk but play human, gnomes don’t deserve to have rights

Void Elf
The racials make too much sense

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All joking aside, I’ve tried to play a male gnome is the past and there is just something about the way they move that bothers me.

I’ve deleted them all before I got very far with them.

Now a female gnome, those don’t bother me, and I don’t know why.

i have an irrational hate for gnomes but they just look bad in terms of gear imo, everything is so squished and they have such giant heads

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I love male gnome’s laugh, but in terms of look, female is better\

Gnome is the best race for warlock, i dont really care about racial skill, look is more important to me

I say gnome, especially if your plan is to spec demonology. The optics of a tiny person commanding a large bodyguard is fun to me.

Gnome in my opinion

It’s hilarious as demonology. Being 2 feet tall, yet commanding giant demons to destroy anyone that opposes me.

It also fits the whole “power hungry, trying to compensate for their height” stereotype

Plus I hate the human female cast animations. The way they flick their fingers when channeling a spell drives me nuts

Run mecha gnome if ur pvping at warlock. U wont die

Female Gnomes are best.

Sadly Male Gnomes look like they’re…trying to do #2 in some of their cast animations. Really ruins the fun there…

Which is a shame since they have the best twirly mustaches around.