“We don’t want players to feel compelled to play a specific character or race to earn Warband-level rewards more efficiently, so we will convert this race-specific bonus into something new. We’ll share more information on it at a later date.”
So kind of like how people need to be certain races in any aspect of the game, looking at the PvP leaderboards, Humans make the best death knights, Night elves make best druids, Gnomes are best warriors, etc. If you don’t want people to feel compelled to play a certain race then maybe you should let people choose the racials abilities for any race or just remove them completely instead of just pooping on humans.
Combat racial bonuses apply to a fraction of a percent of the playerbase at best.
Diplomacy as current going into TWW would be an account wide 10% rep buff because you’d just run your human through the content first and run your alts later.
If you’re upset about Diplomacy, you need to be upset about the Pandaren buff that lets them keep rested XP longer now that there’s an achieve with a reward that makes alts level up faster in TWW content.
By that logic they should also rework Stoneform from regular dwarf and Fireblood from Dark Iron Dwarf or at least give the other races a way to cleanse bleeds.
There a couple of times that I have thoughts of race changing to dwarf because of that racial.
There are countless that have because it is so insane at higher levels of content.
Many horde went dwarf after they made guilds and grouping cross faction because of how op it is.
Heck you can go down raiderio and check the top people. A lot are dwarves now lol.
Hmm wonder if this is Blizz quietly realizing humans are boring and the reputation buff isn’t enough to convince some folk to play them. That or people started complaining about it in general. Who knows maybe they’ll add some kind of lumberjack profession and give humans a buff for it or something… although now that I said that Kul’tiran made boats so their lumberjack skills would be naturally better than normal humans… hmm so much for the idea from warcraft three of the workers that harvest trees I suppose.
Come on, stop falling for Blizzard endless bull****. The game isn’t made by first year 6th grade programmers, they can absolutely fix it. This is entirely about yet another method to trickle out every extra minute of sub time possible and slow every grind down just a tiny bit more, like 99% of all decisions they’ve made in the past 10 years. It’ll all make a lot more sense when we end up seeing 20 different rep grinds in TWW.
Ah haha yes. Throwing money to the wind is always good for a laugh. Especially when they aren’t touching other racials that would still offer unfair advantages.
rip all future Human alts and all existing Human alts
The former will drop off a cliff, and the latter probably won’t be played again/will collect dust
Since the Human option is boring by default - and the OP racial for PvP was nerfed - the “only” reason to play one was for the +rep bonus… and now even that’s apparently getting nerfed/taken away? I can’t even
Blizzard gonna Blizzard I guess, “fun detected” and all that
Unless you’d be retroactively losing whatever benefits you’d received from those racials, I don’t think it’s really a ‘slap in the face’. And I doubt Blizzard is going to even entertain the thought of something like removing 10% of reputation from all human characters.
Well you have to think about people doing old rep grinds and stuff or current and specifically went human to make it a little easier.
Myself, I am human on most of my mains because of it as well as I used to pvp a lot.
I went human for diplomacy and everyman.
So its pretty upsetting having invested in those toons, some did get race changes, for it to be removed.
It also hurts to think about those doing the insanity grind that went human, and will have to grind more lockboxes and goblins lol.