[H]<Ultrasoft> |Recruiting| Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs 8:00PM Server

Ultrasoft is a newly formed raiding guild looking to fill it’s 25 man roster. We currently have one kara group on Tues/Wed, but are looking to fill a second group for Wed/Thurs to accommodate some of our wonderful players who can’t make Tuesdays. Players willing to raid on either schedule will be moved to balance group composition.

We plan on using the Wednesday overlap for Mag’s and Gruul’s in the future, and use a polling bot in discord to make big decisions. Our guild uses a soft reserve system for loot, as we don’t want to spend 45 minutes of our raid with a loot council bound to play favorites.

Currently recruiting:
1 Arms Warrior
1 Boomkin
1 Elemental Shaman
1 Resto Druid
1 Resto Shaman

You might be looking at our class recruitment and think “oh these guys think they’re hardcore” but it’s actually the opposite. TBC is a solved game. By taking only the classes we actually need, we can spread the loot around, make sure no one is getting sat out of raids, and really let each player shine in their designated role. Our philosophy revolves around raiding smarter, not harder.

We are also open to taking on other small guilds that may not have the capacity to get to 25mans. Although our guild is fairly tight-knit and we do not plan to exceed 30 active players, We started as a small group of friends hoping to join another guild for progression. That ended up not working out, so I know the pain of convincing an entire group to move to a new guild. We can work something out where a few of your officers keep their officer position in our guild to make sure you feel represented.

If any of this sounds like a good fit for you, or if you just have questions, please reach out to me directly via Bnet or Discord. You can also hit up our very persuasive recruitment officer Gitrogie in game, or on discord Gitrogie#3682

Bnet: bdetinne#1941
Disc: bdetinne#1162

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Hey couldnt find you on DC but me and a buddy of mine are looking to transfer to a higher pop server and your guild and raid times sound good, hes a pally tank and im Destro nightfall lock. both of us are vets from the original TBC just not super try hard. cant do that anymore lol