Huge thank you to everyone rerolling Alliance

Message us for gold, bags, etc. we’re glad you’re here and appreciate your support. Together we’ll save wow classic


No one is rerolling alliance
Pvp population balance is a meme
Slay your dragons and raid log like everyone else


I’m not rerolling, but I will continue leveling this guy once Horde queues for non-AV BGs are reliably under 15 minutes again.

Seems like backwards logic, but you do you homie.


Blizzard’s obviously realized that it’s a problem they created. I’m just here to save your faction when it gets killed again, for the umpteenth time.

Well, when you genuinely level/play him let me know. I’ll help you out on bene.

If there are rerollers I am with the support as the OP on this forum.
its nice to see people who care more for the game than themselves.

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Are horde bots? or did you choose horde already knowing ques would be long?

Rolled Horde because I wanted to play Horde. Just like the first time around.

Sorry I’m not obsessed with the meta like ye hindsight psychics.

is this you… sounds just exactly the same lol

Right on.

This is the reality some refuse to face.

Not me. Definitely agree though; everyone should be playing the faction/race/class they actually want to play. No exceptions.

Sorry I chose my server/faction cause my friend has a raiding guild on it. It’s a normal server, and I don’t do a lick of pvp. Just here to raid and play with friends.

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