Players : wow warlock feels really good.
Blizz: we are gonna take a dump in your mouth now k
Players : wow warlock feels really good.
Blizz: we are gonna take a dump in your mouth now k
Perhaps the Locks who were running all those gems to inflate their stats making Lock damage look insane should be to blame?
Look at how many people got caught up posting links of dps charts where the top 7 people were all using the gem exploits. Sometimes I think Blizzard cares more about perception than what’s actually true. People perceive a class to be OP and you know the bat is going to smash them regardless if it actually is op or not.
If they said this 3 months ago I would have been more ok with it.
Shadowlands is nothing more than BFA part 2.
it needs a good bit of adjustment
These nerfs are awful
So are they just forcing us to play Kyrian now?
Called it. Every third toon I see leveling right now is a Warlock.
I really hope to see a rollback on those 2 Big nerfs from the last builds. Hopefully we won’t be bound to the kyrian choice…
Didn’t people say they want these choices to be purely cosmetic?
You must be new here. Shaman and Feral spent almost 2 years as dumpster tier and Blizz did nothing. DH spent almost 2 years as a literal God and Blizz did nothing.
The lesson here is that if you want to be safe as a DPS class, roll Mage, Rogue, or Hunter. If you want to play something else, wait until 9.2 and decide then.
Looks like the choice of a Warlock is purely cosmetic now.
The current meta in SL is 2 tanks…you really think people are going to take a Warlock as the only DPS? With all that we bring to the table? It’s going to be a rehash of BFA where Locks got invited for cookies and then kicked.
well my expectations for them doing this cleanly were low but holy sh**
Maybe they’ll do a tuning pass every week for the whole expansion that makes one covenant super strong and the others garbage. Once a month, everybody wins!
This is so ridiculous and bad, that Blizzard HAS to be limit testing how far they can go. There’s no way IC and DB will go live like that, they’re borderline unplayable. Even with how moronic the company that makes this game is, there’s no way they’d want angels and fairy’s being the only two viable options for Affliction/Destro.
Regardless of your choice, you’ll still be needed in raids. You provide a battlerez, healthstones, and a gateway, but that isn’t the problem, this just sucks to play. Kyrian’s ability isn’t fun to play and aesthetically sucks, and Night Fae’s ability is fun to play, but aesthetically that cloth armor just looks awful for Warlocks.
Don’t be quiet. Make posts, and support each other’s complaints. Show Blizzard that this sucks. Revert Venthyr to how this was before, and buff Decimating bolt to be 3 charges instead of just 1 with its current damage nerf, I’ll take that trade off.
just remember how long they took in BFA to do a tunning pass, and meta classes they really never changed from the top. The only exception to this were warlocks, as soon they start climbing in power they get nerfed inmediately.
Warlocks : Yay we will be strong out the gate this xpac wooo
Blizzard : How about we drag our junk across your face
Uhhhh I came to this thread to talk about a patch, this really devolved into something way worse.
IC nerf was overkill, DC was overkill, Scouring Tithe is the last hope, refuse to play Fairy
Tithe just seems like the obvious choice if none of the other covenants get a way to increase shard generation. Seems kind of late for any changes like that to be made though.
I mean you have to also take into account AOE situations for IC, but Scouring Tithe does work with Havoc so cleave is there
but yeah DB was just massacred
With the damage so low I just can’t see them holding a candle to a full shard refund.
The Pelagos bind from the Kyrian also comes with a constant vers and near-constant mastery buff that I haven’t seen matched by any other soulbind. Admittedly, I haven’t looked extremely closely at all the others so there might be something I missed.