Same issue with my Pally. No end in sight I guess since Blizz is silent on the issue.
This thing seems easy to recreate if you’re trying to quest in “The Jade Forest” (first time I ran into it and lead me here)… I’m back in that zone now on my next toon (Brew Monk) and I’ve had to Exit Game six times now in seven levels. Prior to this zone I was getting it off and on in “Borean Tundra”.
ive been having this stupid bug every single day i get on, then the only way for me to fix it is restart my entire pc which takes me a solid 30 minutes because i need a new hard drive i cant afford…
This just started on my shaman. When I Ghost Wolf the wolf animation does not happen. Same thing with any other mount. It remains invisible while you still have the speed of the mount. Turning all adds off does not fix. Restarting does sometimes.
Got it too, and in Stormheim in Legion just now. So it isn’t just “old” content. This time I could correct it by Xing out of WOW and starting it fresh. Sometimes I have to restart my pc, but that’s probably just due to trying to fix it with a reload ui command a few times or just logging out and in. Closing WOW out entirely using the X button or task manager to end its processes is probably the easiest way around this.
Bump - happening to me, too. Is there a reason we aren’t getting replies to this? I’ve seen a few threads over a month now.
My rogue becomes 100% unplayable.
Can Blizzard, you know, actually reply to this? We are paying customers, and while I know a fix can’t happen over night, I definitely think we are entitled to some sort of communication.
I removed my Interface/WTF/Addons folder from my wow folder and booted up the game and its been fine since I went back to default.
Given the frequency this happens to people I’d say its probably a common addon, if I had to guess I’d say elvui. Just speculation though.
Well, I do use Elvui 10.85. The other person who posted a video has something similar too. Are we all using it? While it would be great for blizz to actually try and sort this problem out… if we can all confirm we have ElvUI we could just send it to Tukui.
I use SUF and Dominos, but this happens with ALL addons disabled, and with the WTF and Cache folders cleared. Long thread, from a little over a month ago, but this hasn’t been fixed, or even just acknowledged. Good times.
I just started experiencing this bug. Mounts invisible, Mouse movements sometimes jittery and I even had a problem where I died and stayed dead when I clicked button to live again. I was unable to do anything ‘because you’re dead’, but I was attacked anyways. I just saw the reference to the ElvUI 10.85. I just downloaded that 4 days ago and started having the issue 2 days ago. I’m going to try rolling back to a prior version.
I’ve been experiencing this issue for the past couple of days myself. I’ll try the same thing that you are. I’m rolling back to version 10.84.
Just happened to me as well. Invasion popped in Drustvar and suddenly I got the “inviso-Mount” bug. This is after I ran a scan/repair yesterday and it doesn’t seem to matter whether I have add-ons off or on. I constantly see this happen when invasions pop in a zone I am already in…don’t know if this helps.
I have been having this issue for several hours now, and Highmountain is currently on the final 20 minutes of it’s invasion. Perhaps there is something to that.
Drat. Looks like I purged old versions and ElvUI does not have older versions to fall back to.
Yeah, that was my problem too… I usually don’t delete them, so I’m guessing after I downloaded 10.85 and saw 84, 83, and 82 there I probably purged them too. Others are saying they were having it happen without any addons so it’s probably a red herring at this point.
I do not use ElvUI, so that could maybe eliminate that addon from the list.
Wanted to update this, I added all my addons back in and it was fine for awhile and started again. I restarted the game entirely and it persisted. I disabled DBM and Elvui and its working fine.
Can confirm this bug on US Aerie-Peak @ 20/1/19.
And still not fixed. Get your heads out of your asse s blizzard. JFC…
It is the day before a major release, they’re not going to push individual bug fixes separately. If it is not fixed with tomorrow’s big patch, then maybe we’d have cause for complaint. There is no doubt they would be working on this as a priority, it is a big deal that affects lots of players.