HUGE mount bug: invisible mounts, able to interact

Happens to me periodically. Suddenly I’m flying or running without a visible mount. Cannot reproduce this; it’s sporadic.

Just happened on a paladin doing the invasion in drustvar. A relog fixed it this time.

This hasn’t happened to me playing in BFA zones, but my daughter sees this in Pandaria on her DK frequently. Same issue, relog seems to fix. I messed with diff graphic settings too. Also don’t think it’s a client/cache issue as I just got a brand new machine and re-installed wow from scratch. And the problem is still there…

This is a server-side problem, client fixes won’t do anything.

In addition to this. I experienced an issue last night where I was attacked by previous phase NPCs upon logging in. It was the logging town Blightcaller has you capture. Did that a few weeks ago. I couldn’t log and died standing in front of the innkeeper.
Great list! Thanks for compiling everything.

Still happening.

  1. Invisible Mount
  2. No Automatic Dismounting
  3. No quest credit
  4. No quest tracking when taking new quests
  5. No combo point generation
  6. Unable to use stealth abilities while in stealth
  7. “Stuck in combat”
  8. Stuck in shapeshift forms (druids, DH, ghost wolf)
  9. Player health bar no longer updates
  10. Staying in the spirit realm after resurrection

Hey, while we’re at it… let’s try to link some possible issues together. On Bonechewer Server coming in from Houston, TX. Maybe the naughty servers are regional? Wouldn’t that be swell.

I just want to add that I, too am having these issues. So far it’s happened to me in the following situations:

Rogue - In Drustvar I was unable to see my mount and my combo points were not generating correctly.

Paladin - Happened multiple times. Unable to see mount and Holy Power was not generating correctly.

Warrior - Health not regenerating out of combat. Victory rush not disappearing even after the buff has ended. Delays when looting enemy corpses.

I’m having all these same issues, particularly in Darkshore. A temporary workaround is to “dismount” by hitting the mount icon.

Welcome warriors. 8 out of 12 classes.
Just leaves hunters and all 3 clothies.

It is very unlikely to be class related. It is just easier for some classes to see they are desynced because their energy/combo points/maelstrom/rage stops changing. If you don’t normally need to watch that too closely, you might take longer to see you’re desynched.

I missed the earlier reports in the thread for Warriors, and this post putting a Priest into the mix on Jan 22nd. Nine of twelve, three quarters, seventy five percent of the classes are now reporting in with experiencing this bug. Still waiting on confirmation from Mages, Locks, and Hunters… but so far they remain safe.

At this point, the bug is proving more devastating to Azeroth than the corrupted Dragonflights, rogue Elemental Lords, the scourge, the Burning Legion, Queen Azshara and her naga, or the Old Gods.

I…is… this the void?

Same problem here. Mounting with no mount. Looks like im running at mount speed and I can go indoors like this. I confirmed that players see the same thing im seeing. Vendering is extremly slow. Holy Power is delayed or dosent show up. Quests are not updated as you progress through quest lines. Strangest part is I experiance no lag in combat or interacting with the world or other players.

  • Toon & Server Name: Kheis, Lightbringer
  • Time and Day: between 10:00pm - 2:00am GMT
  • Zone you’re in when it happens: Stormsong Valley
  • What you were doing: Hard to say - no consistency to when this bug hit. It almost always began when I used my mount or divine steed. Then I experienced all of the list someone posted above - no quest tracking, no health bar updates, stuck in combat, invisible mount, ‘You are mounted’, etc.

So far tonight I have had to log out about five or six times to fix this. It’s ridiculously frustrating. Since beginning my paladin a week ago I’ve had this CONSTANTLY - some zones seem to be worse for it then others. I can’t be sure, but it seems like my skill response is lagging once this bug hits as well. Even though the spell is off timer, it lags when pressing the button.

More food for thought - My husband was playing on his hunter for most of this week and NEVER experienced this. He made a paladin yesterday - fresh out of the box, barely level 20, and he’s already had this issue multiple times.

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You can add warrior to this list.

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Posting with update and so it’s here at the bottom. :slight_smile:

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It happens to me as well. I remember this happened during an assault (Stormsong Valley) and in Arathi Warfront.

I have the invisible bug when I mount. The only thing that helps sometimes is that whatever zone you are in, you have to sit around in it for 5 minutes and let everything render around you. This RUINS gameplay. Its bad enough to wait for loading screens. But then when you go into the world, to have to wait 5 minutes to see yourself after you mount is going too far. You are actually mounted and can see yourself moving in-game on the mini-map, and then when you dismount the world changes to where you would have been and you see where you are.


I use caps because I think you guys are sleeping.

This is the Bug Report forum. You report bug, QA validates report, QA forwards bug reports to devs. End of story. And caps lock doesn’t change their mind. They do not confirm, apologize, or predict fix actions.