HUGE mount bug: invisible mounts, able to interact

I don’t use either of these addons, and I’m having this issue.

Trust me, this isn’t an addon issue. I get it with or without addons. I don’t even use elvui. This is a BLIZZARD issue, which they are IGNORING. Maybe if someone starts reporting posts, they’ll have to read about the problem?

What this bug does:

  1. Invisible Mount
  2. No Automatic Dismounting
  3. No quest credit
  4. No quest tracking when taking new quests
  5. No combo point generation
  6. Unable to use stealth abilities while in stealth
  7. “Stuck in combat”
  8. Stuck in shapeshift forms (druids, DH, ghost wolf)
  9. Player health bar no longer updates
  10. Staying in the spirit realm after resurrection

Classes this bug is affecting so far:

  1. Paladin
  2. Demon Hunter
  3. Rogue
  4. Monk
  5. Druid
  6. Death Knight
  7. Shaman

There’s your list so far Blizzard. This is getting out of control and it’s spreading like wildfire. SEVEN of TWELVE classes reach a state in the game where they are unplayable from this bug, a bug whose only solution is for players to close the game. Why has this been left without a response for a month now?


Perfect summary of the issues I’m having and (in a way) I am glad to know it is not just me.

Closing the game will sometimes only temporarily correct the issue. Within a few minutes of restarting the game the issues are back again. Frustrating.

AND can I just say - “Swimming” through the air when I’m supposed to be mounted was cute for a few minutes. Less cute was ending up dead when my health bar showed full (wot?). But then, that whole “staying in the spirit realm after resurrection” thing?

Sort of existential on a level I was not really ready for. Am I Dead? Am I Not? I am both! What does it all mean and when can it end so I can just. get. the. heritage armor. grrrr

@Blizzard: I’m just a Highmountain Tauren Shaman, stuck standing around in this game, wondering what on Azeroth is going on.

From the Q&A video, it is very helpful for us to list these things:

  • Toon & Server Name
  • Time and Day
  • Zone you’re in when it happens
  • What you were doing

They can look through logs and pinpoint you to figure out what happened apparently. So when someone experiences this… let’s be very thorough! :smiley:

Oh hey, I didn’t see this thread before.

I’ve managed to find a way to reproduce the issue consistently and have also been able to write up a much more detailed list of symptoms than just the few that are echoed here.

Still happening to me too. I’ve run after scan and repair with no addons, doesn’t help.

This thread has been near the top for a while now, and zero blue posts. Blizz, I am very close unsubbing until I see in this thread that it has been fixed. Leveling alts is basically impossible.

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Yo this is still happening fix plz.

@blue is this ever going to be addressed? been going on for the entire BFA expansion, and nothing has even been noted or talked about yet about this issue, and its happening across the board…

Happens to me periodically. Suddenly I’m flying or running without a visible mount. Cannot reproduce this; it’s sporadic.

Just happened on a paladin doing the invasion in drustvar. A relog fixed it this time.

This hasn’t happened to me playing in BFA zones, but my daughter sees this in Pandaria on her DK frequently. Same issue, relog seems to fix. I messed with diff graphic settings too. Also don’t think it’s a client/cache issue as I just got a brand new machine and re-installed wow from scratch. And the problem is still there…

This is a server-side problem, client fixes won’t do anything.

In addition to this. I experienced an issue last night where I was attacked by previous phase NPCs upon logging in. It was the logging town Blightcaller has you capture. Did that a few weeks ago. I couldn’t log and died standing in front of the innkeeper.
Great list! Thanks for compiling everything.

Still happening.

  1. Invisible Mount
  2. No Automatic Dismounting
  3. No quest credit
  4. No quest tracking when taking new quests
  5. No combo point generation
  6. Unable to use stealth abilities while in stealth
  7. “Stuck in combat”
  8. Stuck in shapeshift forms (druids, DH, ghost wolf)
  9. Player health bar no longer updates
  10. Staying in the spirit realm after resurrection

Hey, while we’re at it… let’s try to link some possible issues together. On Bonechewer Server coming in from Houston, TX. Maybe the naughty servers are regional? Wouldn’t that be swell.

I just want to add that I, too am having these issues. So far it’s happened to me in the following situations:

Rogue - In Drustvar I was unable to see my mount and my combo points were not generating correctly.

Paladin - Happened multiple times. Unable to see mount and Holy Power was not generating correctly.

Warrior - Health not regenerating out of combat. Victory rush not disappearing even after the buff has ended. Delays when looting enemy corpses.

I’m having all these same issues, particularly in Darkshore. A temporary workaround is to “dismount” by hitting the mount icon.

Welcome warriors. 8 out of 12 classes.
Just leaves hunters and all 3 clothies.