Huge lag spikes


Ever since the update to the launcher update I have been getting huge lag spikes and I can not figure out why. It seems I am getting some packet loss and talked to my ISP and they say its not their end but I look at my computer discord is running fine but I’m getting wow lag and its causing issue with my gameplay.

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
x.x.x.x - 0 47 47 0 1 15 15 - 0 47 47 6 11 28 21 - 0 47 47 7 13 40 15 - 0 47 47 8 13 40 15 - 9 34 31 10 16 43 11 - 29 21 15 0 15 20 16 - 25 24 18 13 22 38 25 - 18 28 23 21 28 46 31 - 14 29 25 27 33 59 36 - 20 26 21 20 33 73 30 - 44 16 9 0 32 46 28
No response from host - 100 9 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 9 0 0 0 0 0 - 29 21 15 0 32 44 44 - 13 31 27 24 30 65 27 - 14 30 26 24 31 64 32
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

From looking at this test you are getting some major Packet Loss. On a good connection you want your “Sent” to be the same as your “Recv.” This is occurring 5 jumps before getting the the Blizzard-ic.

I would need to know more about your network setup before giving further advice. What I can tell you is that it does not appear related to Blizzard.

Those were my thoughts as well. I am thinking it has to do with my ISP which is an oddball cause they dont offer cable or DSL internet where I am at.

I use a wireless broadband solution as I live in a rural area. Basically, my router works as a WAP to their main hub that broadcasts the signal, I don’t have a traditional modem, I normally hover between 68-100MS when playing wow. I only started having disconnects when using the new app and I don’t know why. I see the packet loss and it’s in between myself and blizzard so IDK.

Yes from what it looks like is you are routing through some kind of subnet being 10.100.10X.XXX. In this subnet is where the Packet Loss is occurring. Now when playing games online Packet Loss will always be visible because it requires a constant direct connection for both Upload and Download.

When you are using other applications on your computer, rarely do they require constant connections so you wont notice the packet loss as much. For example it could be that your Download connection is healthy but your Upload has packet loss. You will not notice any changes in Discord but your friends on the other end might be getting digital distortions in your voice. You would never know.

that makes perfect sense as that often happens with discord they say i got robotic, its often a precursor to lag spikes in wow.