HUGE June 10th Alpha Build Changes

Do you know if he talked about the other specs as well?

So ID takes the talent spot for Death bolt, Howl of terror replaces Tongue tied, and Dark caller replaces shadows embrace. From what I’m seeing the new go to will be Shadow bolt filler (shadows embrace baked into spell) with ID Talent. With all this it looks like Soul rot will be a big deal for aff. Everything seems to be falling into place. like the return of some oldies and goodies. Demonic mastery, Howl, Exhaustion. Thank you Blizz for hearing our pleas.

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Nightfall isn’t baked in the spell, Shadows embrace is, so you can’t pick Nightfall+ID.

Going Soul Rot will depend if they will tune the spell properly or not, because while ID is a good talent, Soul Rot is a horrible spell and sacrificing Decimation bolt who is huge single target damage so you can stacked cleave with Soul Rot every 1 minute sounds bad.


thanks, i edit my post. was a dyslexia thing. as far as tuning im sure thats true about all spells and changes and everything they are doing. But at least it looks like the Devs are trying give us what we are looking for. I am encouraged by these changes.

I am not actually very happy with the blue post, affliction changes are interesting? but the Fel Domination/6s summon , the Doom still being a spell for warlock are pretty bad.


if you EVER. EVERRRR. forget Mike Wazowski’s name again we are gonna have a problem.


Good changes! Aff is my fav spec, but I can’t ever play it because OOM all the time. Look forward to playing fav spec again!

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It appears that drain soul is no longer a talent. Does that mean it’s now baseline or gone completely? I’m speaking for myself but shadow bolt is a horrible filler and I would much rather have a drain.


Same. I’m really hoping Drain Soul becomes the baseline filler again.

What makes you say that?

It was replaced by inevitable demise in the new build. Which came out in the last few hours I believe.

Deathbolt was replaced by ID.

This may just be wowhead getting it wrong but it says ID replacing drain soul in the warlock section.

It’s just wowhead getting it wrong. Deathbolt is being moved to a pvp talent. You can check the updated talent tree at:


MAKE DRAIN BASELINE it’s more fun blizz


Cool I was waiting to see the streamers confirm before I got enraged, but that’s reassuring mmo champion also has it reported correctly it seems.

I dont want to come off as greedy, but damn do i hate having to choose between mortal coil, and howl of terror. Two of the best spells locks had going back to vanilla days. Although the cast time on Howl is not fun… But again, I am happy with the direction the devs are taking Aff. It looks like we moving in the right direction, and its great that they keep making changes (for the better I hope)


So need to fing out if UA is a 21 second dot at level 60 or if 16 is with yhe 6 second extention.

Also is the damage 120 on the final UA or the initial UA? With the 10% damage buff gone from UA increasing duration without increasing total damage is actually a huge nerf.

Heads up I’m waiting for confirmation from Alpha Testers but according to the patch notes Improved Doom Talent was outright removed, so we’ll have to wait to see if that happened.

In the compilation thread I added more/new feedback to the General Needs, Demons, and Affliction. Please check it out and provide feedback to the compiled feedback so I can add your feedback to the feedback ( :stuck_out_tongue: )

That and the healing absorb talent is unconfirmed to be gone as well. I am curious what we get.