Huge gold buying ban wave just hit

900g divided by 50g an hour in ZF = 18 hours of farming to get epic mount on a class that can get to 60 in like 3 days /played, yeah so unrealistic lmao. Especially considering you make 40-50g an hour while leveling 40-60 completely in dungeons competition free

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Guildie found edgemasters and bought his mount with the sales

Did he buy gold?

Another got the first crusader pattern… did they buy gold?

Another farmed ZF on their mage. Did they buy gold?

Another farmed Mara in a duo box… Did they farm gold?

There’s no gold even for sale first week never mind it being so cheap you’d actually do it… first week it’s like $10 for 5 gold

Yeah gl with that purchase

You are bad. Stop typing.

Hes a classic “anyone with more gold than me is a swiper” poster

My guild has like 30k gold atm from pattern sales.

everyone more succesful than me bought gold.


Yeah my guild got first LHH pattern, legendaries paid for already

Well boys, they just did their semi-annual ban wave, now is the best time to swipe. Go get your flask/consumes/epic mount/boosts/LHH/CKL/Edgies. You’re safe till July!



Blizz doesn’t want to lose customers. They’ll never do severe bans on buyers. Same reason they just do occasional ban waves of the bots. They need to make it profitable for them to keep coming back.

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They are already back.

Those organizations already have max level characters ready to step in once a ban wave happens.

You dont go a single day after a ban wave without all the bots being replaced.

500 bots get banned, 500 accounts with max level characters gets resubbed and those 500 banned accounts get replaced that day.


I’m still here


There is way too many people open about the fact they gold buy.

It’s ridicuous


I bet around 40-50% of the player base buys gold.

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Which Is ridiculous, and those people will still complain about bots…

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And gdkps lmfao

Ban wave happens GDKPers still cry about GDKPs being banned.

Didn’t you tell Blizzard to ban gold buyers?

You got what you want. YOu are never happy.

Still never getting GDKPs back.


I think those numbers are in the ball park. It’s a lot of people that do, and it’s pretty sad.

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You guys told us all the gold buyers were gdkp’ers and would quit, its not our fault you are wrong so often

ok…on a megaserver with loads of bots gathering stuff won’t sell for what it’s worth to farm. if you managed to get all the high-end mats to sell something craft able 2 weeks in then you probably bought gold or had it funneled to you from your guild.

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wow two weeks good one blizzard then they can just come back and buy more from the not banned bots who didn’t buy gold

Assuming 1.5 hours per level from 40 to 60 doing ZF and ST solo as a mage thats 30 hours, 50g per hour average is 600g just from leveling(its higher because the later level become more like 2-2.5 hours per level). Then just do some ZF and epic mount is done in a week or two