Huge class balance changes incoming feb 7th

All these look reasonable but the PvP lock buffs seem to be the biggest changes that might shake things up

  • Affliction

    • Unstable Affliction backlash damage increased by 35%.
  • Developers’ notes: After our recent changes to normalize Unstable Affliction’s backlash damage, we’re seeing it get dispelled frequently. Our intent is for dispelling Unstable Affliction to require careful consideration of the risks and benefits and its damage was not fulfilling that.

  • Destruction

    • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 40% in PvP Combat (was 15%).

    • Resolved an issue that caused Bane of Havoc (PvP Talent) to deal more damage than intended to targets.

The demo buffs are kinda whatever, but these 2 seems to be very strong

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I’m about to commit some epic battleground war crimes. :dracthyr_love_animated:


yeah the developers comment is like… bro have they ever used this talent? It never procs and it does damage as if I was level 30

They could of said that talent got a 500% damage increase and it would still be bad

It seems they are saying will not stack with other ms effects anymore.

Like rogue/priest won’t be able to stack an ms that can’t be healed through at all.

Yeah no one specs into vilefiend, soulstrike is too good. But imps are good damage so buffing it by 15% is very nice.

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wow didn’t even get the 4pc before the nerf lol


I’m looking forward to the return of bg threads crying about mm hunters blowing people up.

Ashran extreme sniper incoming.

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LF Destro Lock for 2s. DM me.

Didn’t half the duration of shiv in pvp combat, Missed the mark with rogues.

Very excited to see prot pally buffs

My biggest fear is frost mage destro warlock being a common meta, the combination of these 2 specs makes me actually want to never PvP again


Arms modifiers make sense. I wonder if slam will finally be viable.

This math is completely wrong btw, but there’s no point in discussing it anymore.

This nerf feels very tolerable for Pres, especially given Verdant Embrace and Living Flame both got +20%

Isn’t Wound 24%? And Shiv is 35%? What is wrong about it?

Surv getting a pve dmg buff with no pvp dmg nerf is surprising.


Barely use Living Flame to heal.

Verdant Embrace has a base 24 second CD.

I’d rather have 5% more healing on ALL of my heals (Echo, Reversion, Dream Breath, Dream Projection, Cauterizing Flame, Dream Flight, Emerald Communion, etc.)

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Looking forward to it next week. Already feels like it does really good damage.


Seems like between 4 piece kicking in and the living flame healing buff, instant procs from the 4 set could be more worthwhile to cast.

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They weren’t stacking additively like that.

I tried to do some testing, but with the variance in most healing spells it was hard to come to solid conclusions. What I do believe was happening at least in the case of double Wound was that the base heal would be reduced by 24% twice (for each 5 stack of Wound): 100 * 0.76 * 0.76 = 57.76, so a 42.24% healing reduction during Deathmark.

I can’t say with certainty what was happening with Shiv + DM Wound, the numbers didn’t seem very different from double Wound, but I didn’t test enough. If it did really stack in the same manner, it would have been a 50.6% healing reduction.