HUD Edit Mode Save button not working

Yeah, it still has issues like the Chat box shrinking down with relogs.

Yes, mine isn’t working either. Tried /reloading ui, relogging, another character, nothing is working. It’s been a few days now.

Worked! Thank you so much!!! @Lightbro and Xuelai!

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I see this bug thread is dated all in Nov-Dec, of last year. It is STILL hosed up.
Re-logging the character or logging another character reverts the Quest box to its prior position.

This is absolutely still broken, by the way. I have resorted to making a universal UI interface for all of my characters and not touching it ever again. I had to do this all in one stretch.
The issue seemed to have been triggered initially by me trying to make a copy of a previous UI setup, and editing that.
Nothing would snap to other things, and things would constantly go back to where they were initially. Very annoying and time consuming.