A new guild looking to recruit active players for Shadowlands. 10/10N 6/10H We plan on clearing raids, running M+, and doing PVP. 18+ community! Relaxed environment. Now Recruiting spots for core team. 6-9pm tues/thurs
Need DPS/Healers please message me in game or reply to this post! Thanks.
It’s been a really good group of guys and gals who love to play the game and also kick it with outside of the game. Nothing but positive vibes and good laughs (a-lot of laughs haha)… Even on our off time when we want to take a break and do something else. We normally do it as a guild and really bond. Raiding with these guys and a bunch of the newer guys have been nothing but responsive and quick to learn when it comes to mechanics, learning your class (bonus when someone knows a trick or two you never knew). That’s just my 2 cents on this guild so far, and my enjoyment I’ve had when it comes to these guys.
Slick#1714 or Discord is MrTumness#2038 add me for any quesitons, I can also show you our logs.
OMG I have Hurd really good things about this guild. Would y’all be open to having me join early and working my way up. I would love to be apart of this guild. I know you are all looking for raiders but I was hoping to take this opportunity to get in while there are openings. You guys are awesome, sending good vibes.
Always open to new recruits
Let us know how we can help.
Great guild, helped me progress from not Raiding to Raiding Heroic weekly same with Mythic +. Even helped me get my first arena W! - the Squanch
Awesome, glad we were able to help.
This is a fantastic guild, They have been open to helping gear new players for Castle Nathria. Great discord community. Plenty of players looking at pushing M+ keys and arena ratings.