[H][Tichondrius] Midnight Club - 2/8M | 8/8H Late Night PST Guild LF Tank/Healer/RDPS

Give it a bump for a Mage!

Bumpskis for a mage!

Give it some more for a Mage!

Bump for an HPriest, Lock, and Arcane Mage!

Bumpy bumpby bumpy!

Give it a bump for AOTC!!!

Bump for AOTC and some Hprest/Lock/Mage love!

bump for some more especially an hpriest!

give it a bump for a healer!!!

give it a bump for a non warrior tank!!!

How’s about a Blood DK? :thinking:

Contact me at Marcus#9458 in discord :slight_smile:

Added on discord

Still recruiting??

416 Restro Shaman LF Guild Raid times work Perfectly for me I added you to bnet marcus if you are recruiting still