[H][Tichondrius] Midnight Club - 2/8M | 8/8H Late Night PST Guild LF Tank/Healer/RDPS

Bump for some ranged!

Bump for some ranged!

bump for a tank and ranged/os healer!

Bump for a tank, and a holy pally or any ranged!

Bump for a tankski, a heal and some Ranged!

Bump for some dps!

Bump for a hpal and dps!

Bump for some dps!!!

Bump for a tank, hpal and some DPS!

bumpies bumpies!

bumpy bumpy!!!

AOTC!!! Recruiting for MYTHIC!

Bump it up!!!

U need a eley/enh shaman 269ilvl

Yes we do! Please contact me!

Bump for more forseason 4!

BUMP For DF roles!!!

Hello, I am an AOTC raider since ny’alotha. I recently started a new 2nd shift job that will interfere with my current guild’s raiding schedule. Im taking this opportunity to see if I can get into a guild interested in trying mythic. While I currently main frost death knight, I am looking to switch it up for DF. My current aspirations are to main devoker, but if the spec is not to my liking, I have also taken an interest in enhance, frost mage, outlaw rogue, and fury warrior.

I am something of an altoholic and I have a passing familiarity with just about every spec in the game. I have also written technical guide on simming and I am working on writing more guides.

I will make sure to message you on discord too.

Bump for a tank and more!

Bump for a Mage!