[H][Thrall] <RPG Resurgence> 1/10 H 6/10 N Pushing for CE Looking for core and backup

< RPG Resurgence > is a newly formed Horde guild on Thrall. We are creating a semi-hardcore raiding guild with social members included. We are looking for a lot of different classes and specs right now, and while we are aiming for Cutting Edge, we also don’t want to do the standard requirement of making people play on a different class/spec if they don’t want to. We’re not aiming for top anything, we’re just aiming to clear mythic before the next raid tier comes out. That’s it.

Our Recruitment Needs:
Tanks: Just give me tanks at this point.

  • Protection Paladin, a Brewmaster Monk, or a Guardian Druid: High
    We need these tanks to have off-specs, specifically DPS.


  • Mistweaver Monk: High
  • Restoration Shaman: High
  • Holy Priest: Low


  • Any and all: High
  • Demon Hunter: Medium
  • Retribution Paladin: High
  • Warlock: High
  • Hunter: Medium
  • Rogue: High
  • Monk: High

We will always allow any and all applicants however the above is what we currently need for the purposes of rounding out our raiding roster at a minimum.

Required Addons:

  • DBM/Big Wigs
  • Exorsus Raid Tools
  • Weak Auras
  • RCLootCouncil once we’re in Mythic


  • Any loot you receive is yours to keep (including boes). We will never ask you to trade a piece of gear to someone, however, if it’s not an upgrade, we do request that you trade it off to the highest roll winner.
  • If you don’t need a piece of loot we will roll for Normal and Heroic gear and we will use loot council for Mythic pieces.

Our expectations:

  • Discord is required for raiding. Please participate in raid comms.
  • Come to raid fully prepared. Know your class, have all pots/flasks/gems, enchants, etc. and research fights.
  • Raiders are expected to complete a keystone weekly. You should aim to do the highest possible keystone you can for the best rewards possible.
  • Communicate if you will be absent. If you know that you or are unsure that you’ll make it to raid please post in the discord tab “attendance”. We understand that life happens, however if attendance becomes an issue we leave it up to our raid lead to decide if someone needs to be removed from the team or not.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism. We will not yell or berate a team member for mistakes, but we will address issues as needed.
  • Be polite. When pugging, talking in trade chat, etc you are representing our guild. We don’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or bullying of any kind.
  • No politics in Guild chat or discord.
  • Please no drama. If you have any concerns please address them to an officer.
  • Raiders are expected to bring their own potions for Mythic raiding and maybe the last few bosses of Heroic.
  • Players must know their class and spec
  • ilvl 180 minimum for a raid invite to be offered!
  • Players will need to be dedicated with an 85% attendance minimum

Guild Bank

  • We will provide Cauldrons/Feasts as long as we have the required materials. We run off of donations (either gold or materials) & in the event the guild bank runs low on funds or materials we will require you to bring your own flask and food. A list of what we need currently can be found in the discord tab “#guild-bank” or you can ask anyone with the role “Master Crafter” in discord.

Raid Times:
Wed/Thurs/Fri 7-11 PM EST
Sat (Alt runs) 8-12 PM EST

If a social community with a semi-hardcore raiding core to it is something that interests you, feel free to contact myself on BNET at Heruwolf#1364. Alternatively you can reach me on Discord at Heru#9082. You can also reach my co-GM via Discord at GethOverlord#4287.

P.S. This post is kept up to date If it’s in the above, we need it.

Opening raid night people! Let’s clear out Heroic quick so we can get this Mythic cleared!

Still Looking for heals!

Let me know if you’re still looking for a rogue!

We are still looking for a rogue! Hit me up on Discord or Battlenet and we can chat there some more.

Still looking for solid dps. Starting tonight folks 6PM Server invites start :slight_smile:

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1/10 Heroic Shreikwing is dead baby :smiley:

1/10 H, 5/10 N. Still looking for solid DPS some core tanks who know their stuff and 2-3 heals!

1/10 H, 6/10 N, needing core tanks and a few healers, we are always looking for High Quality DPS too!

Arcane Mage with Frost/Blood DK interested here

Still in need of a tank, and some core healers with DPS off specs, or DPS with Healer off specs!

Still looking for tanks and heals for core spots!

Still looking for healers to round out our healer team.