Barebones guild, we need EVERYTHING.
Zul’Aman Requires: discliplined, dedicated, and patient guildies to build the perfect guild. People who can assist on farming mats, making raid potions,edibles, ect.
low DPS and HPS and bad tanking are not something you would be kicked out for but assisted on improving.
Running guildies through mythics after raids or during the week.
Lifting our guild up together. We will not be a guild that use’s auto inviters to acquire mass amounts of people. We will stay a guild of active mythic+ and raiders.
Thrall-US-HORDE Zul’Aman
2 tanks\ 2 healers\ 9 DPS
Friday & Saturday
7:00PM-10:00PM CST
8:00PM-11:00PM EST
discord: MtxWeJYr
GM: ZulJin#11938