[H][Thrall] 7/10M <We Win These> Wed/Thur

<We Win These> [US-Thrall] - 7/10M CN looking for raiders for Cutting Edge.
Raid nights are:
a. Wednesday & Thursday 8-11pm EST (Server Time)
b. (Optional) Monday 9-11pm EST (Server Time)

Roles we need:

  1. WW monk
  2. Ranged DPS

*Raiders are supplied with ALL raid consumables, feasts, enchants and gems at the cost of BoEs being sold to sustain the GB.

If interested, contact the following people or leave a reply on the post:

Bnet: Jones#1748, Reggae#1298
Discord: Jones#0662, Kinkey-Thrall#0927

+1 for thread bump