(H)The Blademasters recruiting initiates!

The Blademasters, highly experienced pvp guild looking for more initiates for our tight knit community! Blademasters is one of the few horde guilds involved in Emerald Dream’s community wpvp events and a supporter of RP-PVP in general. Blademaster leadership and high ranks boast highly experienced pvpers who are helpful and willing to teach initiates in the art of war. Due to the nature of our guild being based on mentoring and teaching initiates, there is no item level or skill level requirements! All are welcome to join us to learn and one day don the rank of “Blademaster”. Unique events to Blademasters include:

  1. Gurubashi Tournaments
  2. pvp classes to improve individual skill
  3. Battle Royale
  4. Pet Battle Tournaments

Rank structure

  1. Murloc Initiate - Fresh characters. Unusable for battle. Low level characters and acts as the punishment rank for higher ranked members of the guild.

  2. Aspirant - New blood, fresh meat. To be an aspirant is to have your eyes opened that you are not a number but family within the blademasters. New max level members and under geared 120s make the core of aspirants.

  3. Novice/Apprentice - 1400 or below in rated pvp. Apprentices are the future generations of arena and rbg players within the guild. Apprentices decided not to specialize and choose to climb to the top no matter the cost. Novices are the equivalent rank to apprentice. Novices scuff at the idea of arenas and rbgs and instead work on specializing in other aspects of the game. Apprentices and novices are the lifeblood to the guild and thus are the vast majority of guild players. Minimum item level is 400.

  4. Blademaster/Specialist - 1550 rating in rated pvp minimum. To be a Blademaster is to be a weapon of the guild. Blademasters are our power houses within the guild. Highly experienced and should be motivated to help the junior ranks. Blademaster rank is broken down to:

Blademaster - Minor 1550 rating
Blademaster - Major 1800 rating
Blademaster - Ultra 2000 rating

Specialists are equivalent to blademaster rank but choose to not pursue rated pvp and instead specialize in other forms of the game such as dueling/wpvp/rp/crafting and thus is expected to have a minimum item level of 410 and have a specified function.

Current Specializations
Headhunters - Specialists who deal with assassination/wpvp

Craftmasters - Specialists who deal with professions and material farming (zandar 150)

Eruditors - Specialists who deal with teaching others in their class or pvp topics.

  1. Veteran - Minimum 2 year of active membership within the guild. Expected to mentor lower ranks. Veterans are promoted from Blademasters and Specialists.

  2. Zealot - Veterans who choose to do higher responsibilities for the community, such as Target calling for RBGS or being a Community manager to speak with other guilds.

  3. The Council - Officer, Specialized roles and responsibilities within the guild. Maintain good order and raise morale. The council is chosen from all ranks. Selectees will have to be accepted by all council members and guild master. Must show commitment and willingness to accept responsibility.

TLDR: Why join us?
If you don’t want to be considered just a number. If you want to play any specialization and/or class and have the full support of the guild behind you. If you want the knowledge to become a better pvper and have mentors who will give you the patience and the experience needed for you to reach your goals. If you are bloodthirsty and need to satisfy your thirst of alliance blood. Blademasters of Durotar welcomes you. Whisper any Blademaster to be inducted into our community!


GM is a cutie!

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I joined forever ago when Blizz had the free to play weekend. I knew nothing about PvP, but was interested in it. Had several of the members help me out and give me tips as well as dueled with me to put my new knowledge to the test and go over where I could have done better or changed. Very fun to hang out with, so please consider us when you are looking for a fun guild to wreck alliance with!


Pet battles are the true definitve PvP meta, change my mind.

On a serious note, they really know what they’re talking about when it comes to PvP. And they’re also super nice!


+1 upvote!


bump, also looking for those interested in mythic dungeons!


We’ve recently inducted a new officer, had some great guild events and are now holding pvp classes to help teach pvp as well as macros and keybindings.


I just joined recently, and I highly recommend joining. Everyone is really friendly and super helpful! One of my new guild mates was even nice enough to help me out with some new bags.


PvP is a way of life, Learn something new everyday with these guyz!


Best PVP guild on ED! treated like family and respected as family as well. all around good people in this guild. would def. reccomend!


Still welcoming all skill levels to come learn with us!

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Come join our friendly and helpful family. My fellow blade masters and I will be more than happy to help you learn about all aspects of your class or any other classes you may be interested in. We are a very close family here and constantly have fun guild events happening every week

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Looking to get more Healers of all classes for Wpvp action!

We are a very helpful and understanding community. Leadership is amazing and always looking to help everyone. When i joined, I felt like FAMILY right away. Great people and great fun.


Our end of year review of 2019! Help us create new memories for 2020! Join blademasters today!


This sound very promising, as I’ve been looking for a guild like this for some time and may be interested in xferring here. Is there a person that it would be best to speak to and a time said person might be online typically? Thanks.


The person you would want to speak to is Shamzakel (Guild Leader). He is on most days early afternoon into the evening.


As my Blademaster has said you can talk to me at those times. Im on everyday


Great guild, highly skilled fighters who honor fair fights!

I’m Alliance so /spit


Great guild. Fun people. They are always willing to help and teach. Join the fam!

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