HS event. You had one job

This “event” started an hour late. Then the first portal despawned. Then the SW portal was glitchy. And now there simply is no portal this time anywhere.

I am baffled by how such a simple thing could be handled so badly.


There was just one in Stormwind (for me).

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No portal in Barthilas

NOt for my shard I guess.

( it did start about 5 min late, same as I encountered 3 hours ago and, from what I heard at the time from others, 6 hours ago )

Next one will be outside Ogg, a little more promptly on the hour or a min after, if the pattern holds.

It is the worst promotion event ever.

Why bosses got one shot mechanics?. What is the need on that?. Just to see an horde of players running to their corpses when bosses are killed and when you get there sometimes you cant even loot the bosses. And you have to wait 1 more hour to give it a new try. It happened twice now to me with one alt. I tagged the boss.

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Lets also mention the SW is in the city with guards walking across the area.

Really should just make these events instanced. LFR style.

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Bosses not appearing, bosses appearing when already dead, event starting at the :00 hour, sometimes at :15, sometimes at :30, the hearthstone board game makes zero sense, and all the lag.

Just once, just once, I’d really like Blizzard to release something that has been tested and polished. I’ll admit I was having a bad day to begin with, playing WoW usually relaxes me. But then I see this shoddy content and I wonder why I am wasting my money on this game when there is so much better out there.

Back to Lotro I go. At least it’s actually relaxing.


The horde side had so many trolls–spamming AoEs, and standing still [on top of boss] instead of leaving once looted. I haven’t got any problems with Valdrakken or Stormwind.

This game is so stable.

What event? This is the second thread and I still don’t know what event I am supposed to be bent out of shape over.


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There wasn’t one in any of the locations for me. I have alts in every location.

Oh. Thank you kindly.


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In 3 hours I saw one portal. After the last one failed to appear I just logged off.

Man, I envy you guys. I had to uninstall bnet and now it won’t reinstall because I was trying to get the hearthstone thingy and the hs install wouldn’t work so I thought reinstalling bnet might help. What a shemozle.

it will be scuffed the whole time. they don’t care a lot of people will miss out of the rewards and they will them be put on the shop to just buy at that point all the fanboys will flud any complaints with how awesome blizzard it for this incredible offer and how cute all this things are witch will no doubt be overpriced as well and that will be that

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I wish there was a way Blizzard could test things before going live.

Maybe some kind of realms for testing?

Maybe those testing realms could be open to the public, to maximize the number of testers?

Sorry we don’t have testing realms for the public, We got these Pre-Teaser realms for showing off upcoming content but we aren’t going to be using those this time either.

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Just waiting for the T&E recap where “It was a s**t show, obviously”… because it is :rofl: