Since LotM and Bestow Light are dead talents, can we get a little more throughput for holy shock? Outside of wings and awakening procs, HPal healing feels pretty anemic with the main culprit being holy shock not moving health bars. An appropriate fix for this would be to scrap the dead talents and replace them with better versions of themselves, such as increase crit healing/damage of HS or generate 1 additional holy power from crits.
You are playing the single most op healer in PvP right now and have the audacity to ask for buffs. L O L
Are you taking 1 game mode, the one game mode where Blizzard happen to have exclusive tuning knobs for and assuming that this OP is talking about that? L O L
In all seriousness, the issue Blizzard have with tuning Hpal in PVE content right now is that we’re right where they want us for raid and to buff our spot healing via HS would effect that.
Too much of this spec’s balance is wrapped up in so few abilities and would benefit from a HS buff. I’d be willing to have a discussion about what we could trade for HS and/or WoG buffs because HS healing for 300-400k on a 6m + health pool feels awful. This has knock on effects like Divine Toll healing for 1.75m is a joke. Dying through a mechanic when using Rising Sunlight machine gun Holy Shocks.
Just crit with a Judgment and do infinitely more healing.
Yeah the Hpal tree is pretty low value tbh. I think the designer had the goal of putting so little power into our spec tree as a way to make it balanceable but that has led to the current situation where we have dead talents where the alternatives aren’t too exciting either.
Sort of need to go back to the drawing board on a lot of things.
What about a 50% increase to holy shock healing, and converting daybreak to only giving a guaranteed double hs instead of triple
The issue with that is it would mess with the game play of Rising Sunlight empowered Holy Shocks being enough for a spender. eg HS → Spender, HS → Spender etc.
If they were worried about a HS buff having too large of an impact on Rising Sunlight they could add modifiers. eg
Rising Sunlight
After casting Avenging Wrath, your next 2 Holy Shocks cast 2 additional times.
After casting Divine Toll, your next 2 Holy Shocks cast 2 additional times.Additional Holy Shocks cast at x% effectiveness.
I would personally like to see them remove unused talents and add new talents that buff our spot healing. But calling for yet another mini-rework to this spec is kinda crazy. At least in that case, we would be trading our current talent choice and its power and choosing another.
These are the sort of changes I would like to see:
- Merge HoD and Tyr’s.
- Note: Tyr’s is already pretty weak and so this would make it more appealing. You’d lose the potential to take HoD without Tyr’s, but I think that’s ok.
- Add a new choice node with Divine Favor. “Holy Shock critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Holy Prism and Holy Prism healing increased by x%.”
- Note: this tier set was super fun and should be brought back. It offered a strong spot heal or burst of aoe group healing - something the spec really needs imo.
- Power of the Silver Hand redesigned or removed. Replace it with something more deterministic or something you can play around. As far as I am aware, this talent has never been taken since it was introduced in DF. Something like this would be good for example. Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Flash Heal by 20% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next 10 seconds…
- Note: We press HS far too much which means responding to this proc is not a decision at all. They need to move the proc away from HS and put it into a spell that you would make a decision to cast. Holy Light or Flash of Light for example.
- Light of the Martyr tweaked a little to make it less net negative.
- Liberation removed or moved or improved
. A talent like this feels awful to take. Based on the mana economy of the spec it’s either mandatory or not useful at all. In both cases it cannot win - it would be a terrible feeling having to take it just to conserve some mana or it’s not necessary and so never taken. I really bad spot for a talent to be.
If none of those are feasible, than at the very least review the talents we don’t take and find a way to make them solve a scenario - even just 1. ie need more rot healing? Take xyz. Need more burst aoe? Take this new one: abc.
So many of our current talents don’t even attempt to answer a question, they only exist on our tree because they existed at some point in the past - even though they make no sense at all - or they facility a gameplay element.
IMO the best talent choices come down to a decision about what would be the best tool for the job. Too many of them currently come down to a tuning question – and they just fail.
Like you mention, Id love talents to help with different scenarios.
Massive single target rot (looking at you abysmal blast on dawn), here’s an up front shield or single target burst option
Massive group AOE burst, how about a five man shield
AOE rot (well we already have virtue)
And maybe these options could be choice nodes so you aren’t able to have all of it, and can pick what’s needed. Maybe two choice nodes so you can pick both options for AOE DMG or both options for single target, rot/burst options ect.