[H]<Riot Squad> Looking for raiders

Hello all. Riot Squad, one of the largest guilds on Lightbringer, is looking for dedicated raiders. We currently raid Tues/Thurs from 5-7pm server. We have a small group now that recently cleared Nathria as a guild group on normal.(1st time in 2 xpacs).

We are looking to continue to progress in Heroic, but need more dedicated people to do this. Looking for all specs currently. We’re currently running 2/2/6 but hope to move to 2/3/9 or 2/4/12 with enough people.

Riot Squad is a casual guild with very few dedicated raiders. The Tues/Thurs raids are by invite only for the more dedicated. Whisper Bluesy, Foxydk, Peeweena, or any officer in game for more information or to ask questions.

I know Riot Squad isn’t known for raiding, but I’m looking to change that without ruining the casual, laid back vibe of the guild.