[H]Revered with Death - What's your End Game?

Hey Aestirael! Since you are on Hyjal you can definitely join our community. It’s mainly for people that raid with us and run keys if they aren’t on our server.

Unless of course you want to server transfer and get the ENTIRE GUILD EXPERIENCE! :wink:


If you guys are looking for rdps, I’m a ilvl 200 affliction warlock looking to raid with a normal Castle clear already and my availability matches your raid times

Hello, I would be interested in joining your guild, I work nights but off on the weekends and would like to fit in some good team activities during that time.

Thank you kindly! Name in game is Kobeyashi

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Hi Delton! Still looking for DPS! Feel free to use the in game guild finder or get in touch with me on discord if you have any specific questions. :smiley: Look forward to hearing from you!

I sent a request via in game guild finder

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Anymore Heroic Try Hards out there want to join our fabulous team!